
Mychalejko: Bucks County GOP must reject extremism

It’s now or never.The Bucks County Republican Committee is at a crossroads. It either continues down the path of growing radicalization within its rank and file, or it reckons with and rolls back the party’s insurgent extremism.The latest iteration of this extremism, and the most troubling, appeared in the form of a local Three Percent militia cell branded as the Proud American Patriots Network.However, when confronted with the facts about this group’s nature, local Republicans’ responses have been either denial, deflection, or just downright deception.None of the above is acceptable.Here are the facts. The PAPN is not some type of Kiwanis Club, no matter how many people try to ridiculously suggest it is. It is  a militia, which according to its own bylaws, updated July 28, 2021, states: “The Three Percenters Movement is not just you and me. They are our Sheriffs, Police Officers, Firefighters, Medics, Nurses, Teachers, Doctors, IT folks, librarians, grocers, farmers; they are in ALL professions. They are members of OUR community.”

Source: Mychalejko: Bucks County GOP must reject extremism

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