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Over 25% of our readers live in Pennsylvania, and specifically in Bucks County and the Philadelphia metro area. We cover the stories that are important to local Bucks County residents, but that translate into the national conversation. We have readers from all 50 states plus Washington, DC.
Our largest and most prominent ad zone on the website, this ad covers the entire top and width of the website upon loading. It is a run of site ad, that will be seen regardless of the page of entry onto the Beacon. This is a premium product for maximum conversions.
We have multiple high quality ad formats available for this advertising zone.
Get the most impressions on our site by having your ad pop up over the bottom of the Beacon. No matter which page the reader enters the site, your ad will be there.
Pop-ups have a much higher conversion rate than other display ads, and an all site pop-up will be seen by 100% of the traffic on the website.
This block sits at the top of the sidebar area, on both the home page and individual articles. On mobile devices, depending on screen size, will move to the bottom of the page. On articles, it would be the directly below the end of the article.
We have many high quality ad formats available for this advertising zone.
The home page banner is located in a prime location directly below the lead article on the homepage.
There is a sidebar on each article. There are multiple high quality and dynamic ad formats available for our sidebar ad zone.
We are happy to have superior ad formats, customized for different needs and businesses. We have 111 different formats from standard static ads to ads based on your facebook or instagram, or video ads.
Below are some of our favorites. If there is something specific you are looking for, we can find a format just for your business or organization.
Please contact or fill out this advertising request form.