The office, part of the Justice Department, is a key source of grants for nonprofits that work to help victims of domestic violence.
Learn about the role Christian nationalism and the Christian right play in this broader, and ascendent authoritarian and fascist movement that has democracy in its crosshairs – both in the U.S. and abroad.
Samira Ahmed’s latest novel could, sadly, be telling the story of any number of school districts in Bucks County and across the country.
“It’s not a climate plan, it’s not an energy plan, it’s a plan to keep the fossil fuel industry happy," said Food & Water Watch PA State Director Megan McDonough.
Born with cystic fibrosis and diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer in 2021, Anna knew time was precious and she made every single day count.
We must also reject any calls to privatize Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, writes Bucks County's Steve Cickay.
Dozens gathered in a solidarity rally in Levittown to mark the beginning of local resistance efforts to the Trump Administration's reactionary and authoritarian agenda.
As a war on immigrants and the working class rages in Washington, state governments should use every tool at their disposal to advance a more equitable economy.
NPR senior editor and correspondent Ron Elving wants readers to ignore Trump's first term and instead focus on political theater like Trump "working a shift" at a Bucks County McDonald's last fall.
Now that ICE agents have the green light to conduct operations at or near schools, school playgrounds, and bus stops, it is critical for districts to understand the law and have procedures in place to protect their students.
The five-session interactive program empowers students to better understand the root causes of bullying, become more resilient by increasing their self esteem, and to be more empathetic, said The Peace Center's Danny Thomas.
“Every dollar that CCA spends on DoorDash or luxury vehicles, or at brew pubs or vineyards or exclusive clubs, is a dollar that was paid by a Pennsylvania taxpayer,” notes Education Voters PA.
"This type of disruption and chaos has no place in our schools," said Heidi Roux, executive director of Bucks County's Immigrant Rights Action.
“They knew that this was going to be the outcome, and they waited until this week to issue guidance. Better late than never, but at what cost?” said Amy Torres, director of the New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice.
Election officials have long complained about the interface. They’ll have to wait a couple more years for a change.
“In a strong and healthy democracy, voters choose our representatives, but today we see too many power hungry politicians draw gerrymandered maps to silence voters,” said Common Cause Pennsylvania's Philip Hensley-Robin.
Lawmakers signal some room for agreement on expanded voter ID rules and revised mail ballot procedures.
The strategies range from outright reversals to “slow walking” the implementation of voter-approved ballot initiatives, such as lawmakers refusing to provide funding.
Five counties launched inquiries before the election. Lancaster County found hundreds of forms with indicators of fraud.
“As the first count of ballots is completed, Pennsylvanians can move forward with the knowledge that their voices were heard, whether their vote was the first to be counted or the last,” Casey said.
Recent Votes:
- H.R. 26: Protecting American Energy Production Act February 7, 2025Vote: Passed 226/188 Rep. Fitzpatrick [R-PA1]: Yea
- On Motion to Recommit: H.R. 26: Protecting American Energy Production Act February 7, 2025Vote: Failed 205/207 Rep. Fitzpatrick [R-PA1]: Nay
- H.R. 27: HALT Fentanyl Act February 6, 2025Vote: Passed 312/108 Rep. Fitzpatrick [R-PA1]: Yea
- H.Amdt. 5 (Trahan) to H.R. 27: To delay the enactment of this bill until the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Attorney General each certify that the bill will lead to a reduction in overdose deaths. February 6, 2025Vote: Failed 182/226 Rep. Fitzpatrick [R-PA1]: Nay