Having Trouble Keeping All Your Bucks Schools Wackadoos Straight? Cyril Mychalejko Has A Substack For That

Cyril Mychalejko is a progressive political columnist for The Bucks County Courier Times and The Intelligencer, and if you’re out there reading this, Cyril, consider this a piece of fan mail/thank you note. Because in a sea of sudden tinfoil-hat right-wing cracktivists out here in and around the various Bucks school boards races, Cyril is keeping a running dossier of as many as possible on his Bucks County Progressive Substack newsletter

Lately, he’s been doing one profile a week under the general header “the Bucks County Republican Party Rogues Gallery.” By the looks of things, he’s got his work cut out for him, and to his credit, he’s both contextualizing folks by his own pen, as well as letting them show us who they are by grabbing their most disturbing and/or cringe-y social post. Like today’s entry on Pennridge School Board candidate/QAnon kook Ricki Chaikin, which offers up a meme salad of xenophobic, galaxy-brain misapprehensions. Or this one on Central Bucks​​ school board candidate Debra Cannon, recently endorsed by the local Three Percent militia cell, The Proud American Patriots Network.

Along the way, Mychalejko also shares Q&A’s with local activists as well as roundups on the latest things he’s been covering. All in all, if — like us — you’re sometimes stymied at the sheer number of Bucks candidates who’ve come out full kook, this is a must-read resource.

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Joey Sweeney

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