More Drama In Palisades As School District Decides To (Mostly) Get With The Program

After a dramatic series of events over the last two months, the Palisades School District is finally adopting COVID policies more in line with Pennsylvania state recommendations. Per The Intelligencer:

District school board members met virtually and voted 7-1 in favor of updating its Aug. 18 coronavirus response plan Wednesday, adding language from the order regarding issues like quarantining students and mask exemptions.

But even this is not as simple as it seems: School Director James Ott voted against the plan, and Director David Haubert was a no-show. At the same time, mask exemptions remain an issue: The current plan allows students to refrain from wearing a mask, not with a doctor’s signature, but merely a parent’s. 

Read more here

Previously: This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things: How Palisades Sd Wound Up Going All Virtual For School Board Meetings

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