The Signal (Episode 1) – Immigrant Solidarity: From Bucks County to the Border with Sue-Ann DiVito

The Bucks County Beacon kicks off its new podcast by interviewing a local immigrant rights solidarity activist about her recent trip to the Texas-Mexico border.
Image courtesy of JustSeeds.

Sue-Ann DiVito is a Bucks County mother, grandmother, and political activist. Her “witnessing” has included three trips to the border to see first hand the humanitarian crises exacerbated by policy failures, of Republican and Democratic Administrations alike. She most recently returned from a solidarity delegation sponsored by Witness at the Border called the Journey for Justice: A Border Pilgrimage.” I spoke with Sue-Ann about what she learned on the delegation, why Bucks County should care, and how to get involved.

The Signal is a podcast by The Bucks County Beacon. Twice a month we will use this space to shine a light on the right-wing extremist currents streaming though Bucks County and beyond. We will talk to guests who will help listeners navigate these perilous political waters by providing insight, analysis, and organizing solutions so that we can steer the community toward calmer, saner progressive routes.

My 5 Book Recommendations to Further Shine a Light on the Issue

1. Central America’s Forgotten History: Revolution, Violence, and the Roots of Migration, by Aviva Chomsky

2. All-American Nativism: How the Bipartisan War on Immigrants Explains Politics as We Know It, By Daniel Denvir

3. Tell Me How it Ends: An Essay in Forty Questions, by Valeria Luiselli

4. A History of Violence: Living and Dying in Central America, By Óscar Martínez

5. Presente! Latin@ Immigrant Voices in the Struggle for Racial Justice / Voces de Inmigrantes Latin@s en la Lucha por la Justicia, Edited by Cristina Tzintzún, Carlos Pérez de Alejo, and Arnulfo Manríquez

Additional Resources:

Immigrant Rights Action:

Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition:

Witness at the Border:

To learn more about the Bucks County immigrant and women-led nonprofit founded in 2017 following an ICE raid in Doylestown, read the Bucks County Beacon’s article: “How Immigrant Rights Action Is Serving Bucks County’s Immigrant Community.”

The Signal is produced by Kevin Mahoney, Raging Chicken Media.

Music by Maf é Tulà and Cartas a Felice, “La Loca.” Panela Music

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Picture of Cyril Mychalejko

Cyril Mychalejko

Cyril Mychalejko is the Editor-in-Chief of the Bucks County Beacon. Read his columns on Sundays and follow him on Twitter.

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