LTE: Voters Can’t Let Council Rock School District Turn Into Central Bucks or Pennridge

Republican candidates for the school board, including two with ties to Moms for Liberty, used the public comment portion of last week's meeting to give campaign speeches filled with distortions and highly offensive personal attacks.

School board meetings should never be the setting for political theater. Unfortunately, the October 19 Council Rock Board of Directors meeting was pure political theater. Republican candidates for the school board, including two with ties to Moms for Liberty, used the public comment portion of the meeting to give campaign speeches filled with distortions and highly offensive personal attacks. While it’s important for community members to speak freely at board meetings, campaigning during public comment is highly inappropriate. 

READ: As Moms for Liberty Meets in Philadelphia, Don’t Underestimate Their Extremism and the Threat They Pose

This outrageous display was allowed by the board president, Ed Salamon, who is coincidentally up for reelection. These campaign speeches were sandwiched between members of the community who “happened” to be there to heap praise on the Republican board members for their outstanding work. It was clearly coordinated, as Republican members of the board, Joseph Hidalgo, Michael Roosevelt, Dr. Michael Thorwart continued the charade by expanding on the political talking points. It’s beneath this, or any school board, to waste time on political speeches while simultaneously claiming to be victims of politics.

READ: It Takes A Village: Expelling Right-Wing Extremism From Bucks County School Districts

We cannot allow extremists of the same ilk as those sowing chaos in Central Bucks and Pennridge to infiltrate Council Rock. Instead of hijacking a board meeting for campaigning and self-adulation, this board should focus its energy on real issues, such as the safety of our children and the rampant bullying affecting many families across the district. 

Chris Kinsey, Richboro

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