‘Philly Talks Trash Quarterly’ Takes on Waste Reduction for the Upcoming Holiday Season

Reimagine what holiday giving and celebrating with family and friends looks like.
Give the gift of reducing holiday waste.

This column was co-written with Hilary Zankel

Philly Talks Trash Quarterly is a newsletter all about waste reduction. The mission is clear yet potent: to catalyze participation and encourage readers to engage in the localized reduction of waste. While the impact extends beyond Bucks County, the curators’ focus remains local and is dedicated to instigating positive change within our community by growing awareness.

Prior to publishing the quarterly publication, Philly Talks Trash orchestrated a series of virtual symposiums featuring a diverse array of local and national – experts, activists, and businesses converging with a singular purpose: cultivating a waste-free future. Should you have missed these intellectually stimulating sessions, you can access a repository of invaluable insights here.

READ: Moving Beyond The Plague Of Plastics

As the holiday season approaches, our current edition spotlights how to create a low-waste, climate-conscious holiday. There will be a section fully committed to showcasing key Philadelphia holiday markets where everyone can purchase an array of locally crafted gifts. This serves as an invitation to deliberate consumerism, urging you to align your values with your purchases, cultivate deeper human connections with the planet, and buy local, keeping the footprint smaller. 

- Bucks County Beacon - 'Philly Talks Trash Quarterly' Takes on Waste Reduction for the Upcoming Holiday Season

Philly Talks Trash will address the intricacies of the holiday waste dilemma. Picture a season wherein gifts come imbued with eco-consciousness. Contemplate services, tickets, gift cards, dining experiences, crafts, and second-hand treasures as your preferred gifts, steering away from the perpetuation of this garbage storm this holiday season.

Reimagine gift wrapping. Substitute single-use paper with fabric – bandannas, dishtowels, scarves, or repurpose that vintage pillowcase. Eschew disposable ribbons in favor of saving and reusing aesthetically pleasing alternatives. Exhibit creativity with paper – a commitment to reuse, repurpose, and maximize the impact of every wrap.

When it comes to festive gatherings, let’s forgo disposable serving ware. Opt for personal dishes and glassware, or, for larger events, encourage a BYO approach. This not only introduces a novel element but sparks conversations that endure beyond the holiday season.

Shaking Off Climate Anxiety and Apathy to Build a Sustainable World

In our homes, we can conscientiously assert ‘No plastic, please.’ Far from an inconvenience, this is a small request that resonates, leaving a lasting impact on friends and fostering an environment of conscious living. It is the culmination of these intentional choices that collectively spearhead a meaningful difference.

We are delighted to share this holiday newsletter, featuring distinguished guest author, Devi Ramkasoon, Executive Director of the Sustainable Business Network of Greater Philadelphia. SBN’s mission seamlessly aligns with ours – the pursuit of a just, green, and thriving local economy right here in Bucks County. If you own a business and aren’t a member, we highly recommend it. Tell them Philly Talks Trash sent you. Registering and accessing amazing resources for diverse businesses in Philadelphia and the surrounding countries. 

As we delve into this next edition, we invite you to join the newsletter and actively participate in making mindful choices, waste reduction, and the adoption of a climate-savvy lifestyle.

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Picture of Alisa Shargorodsky

Alisa Shargorodsky

Bucks County’s Alisa Shargorodsky is the principal of ECHO Systems (www.ourechosystem.com), an S Corporation & Non-profit whose focus is the design and implementation of reuse models that drastically reduce single-use plastic waste while developing local infrastructure in Philadelphia to enrich circularity. ECHO aims to improve equity in underserved communities through green jobs while providing useful and valuable education through a variety of channels.

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