Make It a Habit: Use Reusable Bags While Shopping in Newtown Borough

The Borough's new ordinance reducing the use of single-use plastic bags, utensils and straws goes into effect September 17.
Photo courtesy of Environmental Defence.

Have you noticed this sign in the windows of Newtown Borough businesses?

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Newtown Borough’s new ordinance reducing the use of single-use plastic bags, utensils and straws goes into effect September 17. Now is a great time to start developing new habits.

What do we mean, make it a habit? 

Start now by carrying your reusable bags when you go shopping. Make sure you have a stash in your car. A reusable bag is one that is made to be reused multiple times and has handles that are stitched on. Reusable bags can be made of cloth, washable fabric, or durable, recyclable materials. 

READ: Newtown Township’s New Single-Use Plastics Ban Will Encourage Environmental Stewardship

Many businesses are now offering reusable bags at checkout for a nominal fee. Champion a favorite business or organization by purchasing their reusable bag and showing off their brand.

Shoppers who don’t bring their own reusable bags can buy a paper bag instead. The cost will be 15 cents per bag and that money will go back to businesses to cover the cost of the paper bags. 

And remember, not everything needs to be put in a bag. Carry items out of the store without any bagging if possible.

READ: State Senator Steve Santarsiero Announces Grant To Explore Blue Zones For Healthier Living in Bucks County

Another habit we can start is to be mindful of our everyday plastic use. Simple changes, such as refusing plastic straws, using bar soap instead of liquid soap in plastic bottles, and choosing products with minimal packaging, can collectively make a substantial impact. 

Small, conscious decisions can add up to significant reductions in plastic consumption. So, when you go shopping, remember to take your reusable bags. You will feel the satisfaction of helping our planet.

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Picture of Newtown Borough Environmental Advisory Council

Newtown Borough Environmental Advisory Council

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