Photo Essay: Bucks County Democrats ‘Rally for Our Rights’ in Morrisville

The event featured local speakers and organizations who addressed the upcoming election, the stakes involved, and the implications of Project 2025.
Democratic Congressional candidate Ashley Ehasz reminds voters her opponent, incumbent Republican Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, has voted for an abortion ban and doesn't believe women should have reproductive freedom.

The Bucks County, Lower Makefield, and Morrisville Democrats held a rally on Saturday called “The Rally For Our Rights.”

Morrisville Rally Speakers - Bucks County Beacon - Photo Essay: Bucks County Democrats 'Rally for Our Rights' in Morrisville
(L-R) Dawn Burke, Zach Kirk, Sherry Luce (Red Wine and Blue), Kierstyn Piotrowski Zolfo (Indivisible Bucks County), Joe Khan on behalf of Eugene DePasquale and Malcolm Kenyatta,
Nancy Sherlock (Morrisville Dems), State Rep. Jim Prokopiak, Karen Downer (Bucks County NAACP),  Bucks County Commissioner Bob Harvie, Roxanne Anderson Montgomery County Democrat), Karen Vander Laan (Lower Makefield Dems), Lynda Mintz, Nina Sherman, Steve Seufert (Falls Township Dems), Isaac Applebaum, and Adam Hosey.

The event featured local speakers and organizations who addressed the upcoming election, the stakes involved, and the implications of Project 2025. Bucks County Commissioners Diane Ellis-Marseglia and Bob Harvey emphasized the importance of voter turnout, highlighted how close past elections have been, and discussed the significance of women’s rights.

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Bucks County Commissioners Diane Ellis-Marseglia and Bob Harvey.

A theme throughout the speeches was tapping into that newfound joy the party has and the need to work right up until 8:00 PM on Election Day.

PHOTO ESSAY: Joyful Warriors Kamala Harris and Tim Walz Launch Democratic Presidential Campaign at Philadelphia Rally to Fight and Win This Election

Joe Khan, standing in for Eugene DePasquale, spoke about the need to elect Malcolm Kenyatta as Pennsylvania’s Auditor General. Khan also spoke about the importance monitoring school boards across the state and country, where groups like Moms for Liberty and other right-wing activists are increasingly influential. Democrats in Central Bucks School District where Khan resides were able to flip the school board and wrest control away from extremist, Moms for Liberty Republicans who pushed to ban books and tear down Pride Flags.

Joe Khan - Bucks County Beacon - Photo Essay: Bucks County Democrats 'Rally for Our Rights' in Morrisville
Joe Khan.

Ashley Ehasz informed the crowd that her opponent, Brian Fitzpatrick, voted for an abortion ban—a fact that many casual voters might not know, as he often presents himself as a moderate.

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Democratic Congressional candidate Ashley Ehasz.

Anna Payne who is running for State Representative in the 142nd shared a personal story regarding her own health and a woman’s right to bodily autonomy.

READ: Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick Is A Loyal Soldier in the Crusade to End Reproductive Freedom and Ban Abortion

Payne has Cystic Fibrosis and lives with Stage 4 Colon cancer. 

Anna Payne - Bucks County Beacon - Photo Essay: Bucks County Democrats 'Rally for Our Rights' in Morrisville

Peggy Walsh from CeaseFire PA also took the stage to discuss trying to pass common sense gun laws that even the majority of gun owners agree with.

Speakers from the NAACP, Indivisible, Planned Parenthood, Women for Biden, and 2024 PA Victory shared personal stories related to abortion, adoption, and the difficult decisions people face. The rally was more than just talk; each group provided opportunities for attendees to take action, including tents set up for gathering signatures and volunteers.

Karen Downer - Bucks County Beacon - Photo Essay: Bucks County Democrats 'Rally for Our Rights' in Morrisville
Bucks County NAACP President Karen Downer.

Pro Choice - Bucks County Beacon - Photo Essay: Bucks County Democrats 'Rally for Our Rights' in Morrisville

Signs, ballots, and flags were displayed, while local musicians “Inca Hoots” starring Nina Sherman on ukulele and Lynda Mintz performed rally cries between speeches.

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“Inca hoots” music duo.

Spearheaded by Nancy Sherlock and Karen Vander Laan, the rally was a way to bring people together and learn more about what is at stake in yet another critical election.

Morrisville Rally crowd - Bucks County Beacon - Photo Essay: Bucks County Democrats 'Rally for Our Rights' in Morrisville

Morrisville Rally crowd 1 - Bucks County Beacon - Photo Essay: Bucks County Democrats 'Rally for Our Rights' in Morrisville

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Picture of David Iskra

David Iskra

David Iskra is a Bucks County native who has been producing live events globally for over 2 decades. He has worked in both, film and television and his photography has appeared in numerous publications such as Filter, Flood and Culture Collide. He lives in Historic Fallsington with his wife and two daughters.

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