The Indian Valley Public Library is hosting Celtic Cultural Club on the fourth Saturday of every month to delve into the rich history of Celtic culture. The club is inviting community members, with or without Celtic ancestry, to explore the traditions of Celtic lands: Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man, Cornwall, Galicia, and Brittany.
Ashley Paskill, a Telford resident and patron of Indian Valley Public Library, started the Celtic Cultural Club because of her love of Celtic culture. Paskill was president of her high school’s Celtic cultural club and wanted to continue a club outside of school for community members.
“I grew up listening to a lot of the Celtic music, I remember watching the Irish Tenors and Riverdance on PBS,” Paskill said. “It’s just something I’ve always loved and also, I have Irish ancestry.”
According to the 2020 U.S. Census, approximately 30 percent of the Bucks County population and 25 percent of Montgomery County has ancestral roots in Celtic countries such as Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. Celtic culture is represented in Bucks and Montgomery County with Irish pubs and restaurants, Irish dance studios, in addition to populating the county.
The community can already get a taste of Celtic traditions at Perkasie’s Celtic Fest and Bethlehem’s Celtic Classic Highland Games and Festival. Now, community members in Telford have a space to learn about different Celtic traditions and figures with Paskill’s club.
“I’m just hoping to bring people together who have a shared interest,” Paskill said. “And, just, this is something I wanted for myself, so I’m thinking, ‘why, not make it myself.’”
Each month Paskill will present a different topic for discussion. January’s topic is celebrating Scottish poet Robert Burns since the meeting will take place on the poet’s birthday, Jan. 25. The club will discuss traditions associated with Burns’ birthday, known as Burns Night, and read some of his poetry.
Burns Night aligned with the club’s January meeting, but Paskill has tried to match the topic with related months. In the club’s first few meetings, the group discussed the Irish Potato Famine and Celtic mythology, but saved Samhain, a Celtic spiritual tradition celebrated from Oct. 31 to Nov. 1, for October. Paskill said she plans to cover Saint Brigid in February, “obviously” Saint Patrick in March, and Celtic wildlife for Earth Day in April.
Paskill said club members have told her they showed up wanting to hear what she had to say and hopes people just enjoy learning about something they may be interested in.
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“Maybe diving a little bit deeper. Like, I feel like a lot of people know about the Irish Potato Famine, but when I did that topic, I went kind of deep into it,” she said.
For future club meetings, Paskill said she hopes to explore Celtic connections to the area. She said many people connect Celtic culture to New York because many immigrants came in through Ellis Island. Many Irish and English immigrants came through Philadelphia’s Washington Avenue Immigration Station bringing their culture to the city and surrounding areas.
Paskill said she would like to explore the Celtic connections at Graeme Park in Horsham, the Morgan Log House in Lansdale, and possibly branching into the culture in Philadelphia.
People hoping to join the club do not have to register and can show up to the Community Room at Indian Valley Public Library on the fourth Saturday of the month at 2 p.m. to join.