
Letters: George Washington’s Legacy Forgotten, Should Biden Stay or Leave the Race, Media Must Continue Reporting the Truth, and More

Bucks County Beacon readers sound off.

George Washington’s Legacy Forgotten

We are lucky to live so close to a legacy of the American Revolution. The Washington Crossing Historical Park is a reminder of the greatness of George Washington’s heroic efforts to bequeath us a democracy and free us from the yoke of tyranny. 

For many years on July 4th, a day to celebrate our freedoms, Upper Makefield organizes road races to support the park and fine community organizations. Over a thousand runners attend, making themselves and their community healthier. It is a vision of a free, united and happy America of which George Washington would surely be proud. And we know George would never tell a lie.

On my way to the race, I saw some Trump flags and lawn signs. I asked myself, how could people who live nearby one of the great founding events of our democracy support a man who wants to be a dictator on day one and warns of a bloodbath if he loses? How can they support a former president, who unlike George, failed to honor the peaceful transfer of power? How can they support a man who lies almost every day and has been convicted of 34 felonies, defamation, business fraud and sexual assault? Do they think George called his soldiers suckers and losers?

I hope the people of Bucks County honor the legacy of our first great president and do not vote for such a man whose character, statements, and actions incessantly defile our shared memory of the founding of our beloved democracy.

Steve Cickay, Newtown

Pro-Trump Media Bias

Widespread claims of an anti-Trump media bias abound, despite scant evidence.  But post-Presidential Debate reporting reveals unquestionable bias—in favor of Donald Trump.

A media frenzy, teeming with inaccuracies and irresponsible speculation, is unrelentingly focused on President Biden, while giving a pass to the elephant in the room!   (NO, Biden didn’t say “goodest” in his ABC interview—and the neurologist often visited the White House when Biden wasn’t even there!)

Why has Trump escaped comparable scrutiny?  Beyond post-debate fact-checking (Trump told 30 whopper lies), little has been said about his obvious cognitive decline, gibberish-filled rallies (electrocution versus shark attack), and threats to imprison his political enemies!  Trump even escapes coverage of multiple credible accusations of rape!

Coverage of Biden’s “terrible debate performance” is overkill, especially considering the former president’s abject unfitness for office.  The just released Republican “platform” is virtually devoid of policy and sidesteps abortion, but endorses fetal personhood. The New York Times reports that Republicans are softening their positions on controversial issues, when in fact they’re gaslighting voters knowing how unpopular their positions are!

Trump’s latest lie—he doesn’t know what Project 2025 is or who’s behind it—is preposterous.  The Republican plan to dismantle our government was largely written by former Trump officials and is overseen by the Heritage Foundation, the same rightwing think tank that drafted his policies and staffed his first administration.

If re-elected, Trump has made clear he’ll ban abortion, dismantle civil rights, reverse climate policy, and abandon Ukraine.   

Report that, why don’t you.

Diane Ebken, Port Matilda

The Democrats’ Biden Conundrum

I believe I’m the best qualified to govern and I think I’m the best qualified to win, but there are other people who could beat Trump, too.” – President Joe Biden

This week’s Republican convention witnesses the coronation of Donald Trump despite having proven he is unfit to return to the presidency. 

During and since his tenure, his words and actions showed a complete disregard for his oath of office and lack of dedication to our Constitution, at one point suggesting, “suspending” it. The former president’s words endorsing violence against protestors from his 2016 campaign up through and including his calling those insurrectionists who stormed the capitol on January 6th patriots have normalized violence on both the Right and Left as an acceptable course of action if people’s objectives cannot be achieve at the ballot box or through legislation. Ironically, more than anyone else, he likely contributed to the assassination attempt on his life.

Referring to the media and almost anyone who disagrees with him as “enemies of the people,” Trump has played an enormous role in the partisan divisiveness in the country.    

From insulting John McCain’s POW years to refusing to visit a World War I veterans cemetery in France to questioning the sacrifice of those buried at Arlington National Cemetery to excluding wounded veterans from White House events should disqualify him as a Commander-in-Chief. Finally, his manufactured successes of his presidency, exceeded by his 35,000-plus documented lies and misstatements of facts, while “red meat” for his MAGA cult-followers, should suggest people question his often banal and unsubstantiated pronouncements.

If reelected, he is committed to appointing people based solely on personal loyalty to him rather than intelligence, competency or their respect for and dedication to the Constitution.

What should have been a “slam dunk” November victory for Biden is, at best, rapidly becoming a high-risk gamble for all Democrats. 

A growing percentage of swing and predictably Democratic and Independent voters who previously supported the president, are more worried about inflation, Republican-fed fears of immigrants, and Biden’s age and perceived mental capacity than the autocratic dangers Trump and his Project 2025 fellow-travelerspose to individual liberties, our democratic institutions and his possible appointments to the Supreme Court.

Broadcast and cable news reports of national polls showing a virtually tied race, favoring Trump by a 47% to 45% margin are unfortunately irrelevant, as our presidents are not elected on the basis of the popular vote.  Rather, Trump continues to enjoy a consistent polling advantage of between two and six points in seven key battleground states where the outcome of the election is likely to be decided. 

By comparison, Biden was leading in nearly all of those same polls in July 2020. While he won the popular 2020 vote by 7-plus million votes (4.54%), in the seven battleground states, his margin of victory was a mere 0.25% (384,855 total votes and less than13,000 votes in two states). 

While polling is an imprecise science and their ability to predict future election results has not always been accurate … as some of those polled fail to respond, others lie to the pollsters, and still others are truly undecided; how far before an election they were taken; late-October surprises; and ultimately turnout.  Still, they seem to be the best tool for taking the political temperature of the electorate as a point in time.

Trump’s demeanor immediately after a bullet came within inches of ending his life … fist-pumps with blood running down is face and shouts of, “Fight! Fight! Fight!” have created an iconic and likely defining image of the campaign and an aura of martyrdom around him. Coming just before the Republican Convention he will possibly see a noticeable bump in his poll numbers … further narrowing any logical path to victory for President Biden.

His announcement of JD Vance as his running mate, gives Trump the luxury to talk about unity and sound more moderate on controversial issues while Vance can be his campaign’s attack dog spewing ultra-conservative views on social issues ranging from women’s reproductive, LBGTQ+ and voting rights – to furthering Christian Nationalists’ theological assault on democracy (evidenced by his ties to “Catholic Integralism”, an intellectual movement that prefers a “soft power” approach to exerting Christian influence over society) to his naïve and internationally, potentially-dangerous “I don’t really care what happens to Ukraine one way or another,” statement, echoes of Charles Lindberg and the America First Movement prior to Pearl Harbor.

Despite having no margin for any even small missteps between now and November, the president continues to loudly proclaim he’s not going anywhere and believes he is the only person who can defeat Trump. Unfortunately for Democrats, calls for the president to step aside continue to grow among member of Congress, major donors and notably Independent and even some Democratic voters.  Conversations with candidates for both state offices and Congress, echo concerns Biden’s continued candidacy could result in a Trump victory and disastrous down-ballot consequences for Democrats.

However, perhaps two telling statements he made last week suggest reality might be having an effect; “there are other people who could beat Trump, too,” and if a number of polls and feedback form voters indicated to him, “there’s no way you can win,” he might reevaluate his position. 

If President Biden truly believes Trump is an “existential’ threat to democracy,” he needs to decide whether his ego or the country are more important.

At the end of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, Elizabeth Willing Powel reportedly asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” to which he replied, “A Republic, if you can keep it.” 

The urgent question for Joe Biden, delegates to the upcoming Democratic National Convention and for voters in November is whether we can keep our very fragile Republic!

Dick Newbert, Langhorne

Why Biden Is the Clear Choice for President

No president decides policy in a vacuum. A responsible president surrounds himself with policy advisors with expertise in subject areas to develop policies in the best interests of the country.   

President Biden and his economic advisors have enacted policies that have led to the best post-pandemic economy in the world—with record-breaking job growth, unemployment and stock market gains.

Despite naysayers, Biden and his business advisors have championed the greatest manufacturing boom in decades, adding nearly 800,000 manufacturing jobs since taking office.  He and his foreign policy advisors have resurrected America’s international image, strengthening NATO, supporting Ukraine, bolstering our relations with the Middle East and Asia, and helping poorer nations.

By contrast, the only criterion for being an advisor to Donald Trump is a pledge of undying loyalty. Competence and expertise be damned. Yes, Joe Biden is old—and wise enough to establish intelligent support networks around him.

Trump—a convicted felon, an adjudicated sexual abuser, and conman—will install an “army of loyalists” who will indulge his every whim, allowing him to wield executive power in unprecedented ways, including retribution against his political enemies.

Experts say Trump’s promises of more tax cuts, increased tariffs across the board, and mass deportations will devastate the economy and result in higher inflation!  So much for making America great again!   

The choice is clear: an accomplished older statesman whose advisors work on behalf of ALL Americans, or an elderly megalomaniac whose goal is power for himself and tax cuts for his wealthy donors. 

Marilyn Goldfarb, Boalsburg

Preserve Biden’s Legacy By Encouraging Him to Pass the Baton to a New, Younger Candidate

We are grateful to President Biden for his long and valuable public service, but encourage him to step down and embrace the next generation of leaders.

Biden is an outstanding president. He led America through difficult times and is one of the most consequential leaders we have known.

His administration significantly improved the lives of ordinary Americans through historic employment and wage growth, and massive investments in infrastructure. He championned individual rights, including a woman’s right to control her own body, and forged a strong global community to preserve democracy around the world.

He has rightfully earned the world’s gratitude. It’s now time for him to step aside and allow the Democratic Party to choose his successor. As Biden notes, Donald Trump poses an existential threat to our nation, and we must prevent MAGA Republicans from destroying Biden’s legacy and 250 years of constitutional democracy.

Biden’s debate performance does not undo his historic accomplishments, but it does reflect ongoing age-related issues. As septuagenarians retired from rewarding, successful careers, we empathize with Biden’s reluctance to quit. But a younger, more vigorous candidate will emphasize Trump’s own cognitive decline, his relentless lies, criminal convictions, and authoritarian ambitions – and his unfitness for office.   

Voters are eager for an alternative candidate to preserve and extend President Biden’s legacy, and defend us from the serious dangers posed by another Trump administration.

Please join us in encouraging President Biden to step down and leave the country in the hands of another excellent Democrat.

Mary Bruce Serene, MD & James W Serene, MD, State College

The Media Must Not Cede It’s Responsibility to Report the Truth

Donald Trump attempts to use last Saturday’s tragic shooting to manipulate the media and silence the most persuasive and cogent argument against his reelection: He is an existential threat to Democracy and unfit for office.

Republicans would have us believe, without evidence, that the deeply troubled 20-year-old shooter — a registered Republican, described by former classmates as “definitely conservative”— was inspired to kill Trump because of President Biden’s “dangerous rhetoric.”

Biden refers to Trump as an authoritarian threat to democracy—accurately describing Trump’s actions and words since entering politics eight long years ago. Biden condemns political violence and urges Americans to defeat Trump at the ballot box.

Trump and MAGA Republicans normalize talk of political violence, putting targets on the backs of those who dare criticize him, and openly advocate violence in speeches, podcasts, and social media.       

MAGA Republicans glorify guns, especially the AR-15 (used by the shooter), the GOP weapon of choice in menacing campaign ads. They call for “revolution” and “civil war,” lionize Kyle Rittenhouse, who killed two unarmed people, and make a martyr of Ashli Babbit, a J6 rioter.

The MAGA cult leader himself approved chants of “Hang Mike Pence,” called jailed Confederate flag-waving J6-rioters political prisoners, and mocked the hammer attack that nearly killed Paul Pelosi.

 Despite recent calls for unity, Republicans continue their violent rhetoric. One Convention speaker asserted the country will become “unhinged” if Trump isn’t elected.

 No! No matter how Trump and his acolytes (and a too-often gullible media) spin it, we’re not buying it!

Patty Satalia, State College

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