Sierra Club Endorses Ashley Ehasz for Congress in Pennsylvania’s First Congressional District

The environmental group pledges to turn out its scores of volunteers to help elect the candidate who will actually protect “families’ health, air and water” and “build a clean energy economy that works for the people of our Commonwealth."
Photo courtesy of Ashley Ehasz/Facebook.

The Sierra Club announced Tuesday that they are endorsing Democrat Ashley Ehasz in her campaign to represent the First Congressional District. Ehasz is running against Republican Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, who has won the district three consecutive times since it was created in 2018 – which includes all of Bucks County and a sliver of Montgomery County.

“We are pleased to announce today that the Sierra Club officially endorses Ashley Ehasz for election,” said Pennsylvania Chapter Political Chair Dave Hemberger. “We are confident that she will bring bold and fresh energy to protecting Pennsylvania families’ health, air and water, and building a clean energy economy that works for the people of our Commonwealth.” 

READ: Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick Votes With MAGA Majority to Help Big Oil Get Richer

The Sierra Club has 3.8 million members and supporters, making it the largest grassroots environmental organization. The environmental group works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of communities, protect wildlife, and preserve remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action, while also helping people from all backgrounds explore nature and our outdoor heritage. 

Along with the endorsement, the Sierra Club will lend its volunteer strength to Ehasz’s campaign. 

READ: Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick Votes for Energy-Water Bill That’s a Gift to Fossil Fuel Companies

“We pledge to do all we can to help ensure Ashley is elected,” said Bucks County resident Bob Moose. “Scores of Sierra Club volunteers will contact voters on her behalf and we will speak to the public as often as possible about her strong commitment to the environment. We look forward to a victory for Ehasz on election night and to her fighting for the environment as a U.S. Representative.”

This will be the second time that Ehasz and Fitzpatrick have faced off in the general election. The first time was in 2022, with Fitzpatrick winning by a little over 35,000 votes. However, in the 2024 Primary, Fitzparick only got 45,052 out of 73,563 votes, while in her primary Ehasz received 69,489 out of 70,081 votes. 

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Aidan Tyksinski

Aidan Tyksinki is a recent graduate from La Salle Univeristy in Philadelphia, where he majored in media and journalism and minored in political science. Before writing for the Beacon, he had work published for National Collegiate Rugby as well as his school paper The Collegian, where he was the editor for the sports section and contributer in the politics section.

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