Workers Have Helped Usher in a New Era of Union Militancy in the United States
There’s no question we are in a moment. There is a surge in organizing. There is public support. And workers are angry, says labor scholar Kate Bronfenbrenner.
There’s no question we are in a moment. There is a surge in organizing. There is public support. And workers are angry, says labor scholar Kate Bronfenbrenner.
Democracy Forward’s Skye Perryman talks about the looming threats that the organized and well-funded right poses to public education and which tools are useful in fighting that threat.
It’s no coincidence that advocates for loosening child labor restrictions also push for expanding charter schools and voucher programs.
“In a strong and healthy democracy, voters choose our representatives, but today we see too many power hungry politicians draw gerrymandered maps to silence voters,” said Common Cause Pennsylvania’s Philip Hensley-Robin.
Nevertheless, CeaseFire PA and Bucks County state lawmakers Perry Warren and Brian Munroe are determined to secure more funding, advance more legislation, and strengthen public safety.
“Every dollar that CCA spends on DoorDash or luxury vehicles, or at brew pubs or vineyards or exclusive clubs, is a dollar that was paid by a Pennsylvania taxpayer,” notes Education Voters PA.
“This type of disruption and chaos has no place in our schools,” said Heidi Roux, executive director of Bucks County’s Immigrant Rights Action.
The Republican Congressman owes his constituents an explanation about where he stands on this divisive issue. And why aren’t local newspapers chasing this story?