Teaching About Race Is Good, Actually. Republicans Need to Stop Banning It.
Neither white students nor students of color benefit from laws that censor history, critical thinking, and open dialogue in the classroom.
Neither white students nor students of color benefit from laws that censor history, critical thinking, and open dialogue in the classroom.
In addition to creating jobs, Inflation Reduction Act-funded projects are increasing efficiency, reducing costs, and shoring up supply chains, better positioning the nation to manufacture the goods needed both for domestic consumption and to trade with the world.
The right-wing playbook’s plans for public schools are already in place or rolling out.
Project 2025 is the MAGA blueprint for reshaping the American federal government and ensuring that America becomes an authoritarian state under its control.
Bucks County Beacon readers sound off.
Harris is proposing an agenda that is hopeful, one that will expand the possibility of the American Dream for younger generations, writes Doylestown Democrats Chair Connor OHanlon.
Editor Cyril Mychalejko interviewed Bucks County NAACP President Karen Downer and Bucks County Anti-Racism Coalition Co-leader Kevin E. Leven about Trump’s performance at the NABJ, the racism behind it, and Fitzpatrick’s cowardly silence on the issue.
The only good thing about a malignant narcissist is that they frequently telegraph what they are going to do—even brag about it.
A tiny Wall Street sales tax could fund huge improvements for the rest of us. Just a 0.1 percent tax — that’s 10 cents on every $100 of stocks, bonds, and derivatives trades — would generate an estimated $752 billion over 10 years.
Stop looking to the Potomac and Senator Schumer and look, instead, to the Susquehanna and Governor Shapiro, or the Delaware River and Bucks County Democrats.
The Trump administration has abandoned the U.S. government’s long-standing commitment to protect and serve its veterans — a promise that dates back to the country’s founding.
‘Fetal personhood’ bills would grant fetuses, embryos the same rights as newborns.
The open letter organized by Issue One warns that “America is suddenly at a perilous crossroad” and urges Congress to start acting like a check and balance to the executive branch as the Constitution mandates.
This is why State Rep. Jim Prokopiak keeps his focus in Harrisburg squarely on “increased education funding, and [the need to] make sure that we have access to affordable healthcare and good paying jobs.”