Take a Trip Into the ‘Mirror World’ with Naomi Klein’s New Book ‘Doppelganger’
Kutztown University Professor Michael Gambone reviews this beautifully written, insightful, and poignant examination of our broken, and at times absurd, modern moment.
Kutztown University Professor Michael Gambone reviews this beautifully written, insightful, and poignant examination of our broken, and at times absurd, modern moment.
It’s disheartening to many of us that our local politics have become so mean-spirited and even downright nasty.
The collective goal of this movement is to put a form of Christianized authoritarianism “in charge” in America.
Republican candidates for the school board, including two with ties to Moms for Liberty, used the public comment portion of last week’s meeting to give campaign speeches filled with distortions and highly offensive personal attacks.
If you are unhappy, like I am, with the ideological actions of the school board and its lack of transparency and accountability, the election on November 7 is the only remedy.
The institutional and cultural conditions that led to Jan. 6 have not abated; if anything, the landscape of threats and violence in politics has only become more permissive.
Dana Hunter and her authoritarian board majority derailed the district with their fiscal irresponsibility, extremism, lack of transparency, and backwards, reactionary policies. For the sake of our children and our community, this needs to change – now.
Given the role of our statewide appellate courts in upholding the laws that protect our air, our water, and our vote, it’s important to vote to protect a pro-environment and pro-democracy majority on the PA Supreme Court.
Public discussions, committee meetings, outreach to our community partners, and ample public debate have shaped this to be a reflection of our Doylestown’s vision for the future.
‘Fetal personhood’ bills would grant fetuses, embryos the same rights as newborns.
Bucks County Beacon reporter Pat LaMarche shares her thoughts on what solidarity and inclusiveness ought to look like on this important day – and year-round.
The open letter organized by Issue One warns that “America is suddenly at a perilous crossroad” and urges Congress to start acting like a check and balance to the executive branch as the Constitution mandates.
This is why State Rep. Jim Prokopiak keeps his focus in Harrisburg squarely on “increased education funding, and [the need to] make sure that we have access to affordable healthcare and good paying jobs.”
Pennsylvania has one of the highest percentages of residents over 65 in the country. Now the entire social security system and the benefits and services they depend on are at risk.