Launched in January 2024, the Pennsylvania Insurance Department has overturned half of 517 denials, which amounted to claims from 259 people.
But advocates argue reforms ought to be focused on expanding the electorate and turnout, not making it more difficult to vote.
“We’re focused on broader money in politics, limits on campaign contributions, dark money and the revolving door,” said March on Harrisburg's Andrea Pauliuc.
Providing public oversight of the regional electric grid operator and utility companies’ decision-making will help ensure lower energy rates for consumers and that Pennsylvania is meeting its clean energy needs.
Penn State scientists found microplastics dating back to the 1950s buried in the sediments of a river, two creeks and a lake.
“The combination of fewer workers, fewer offices, and a massive increase in the demand for in-person services could sabotage the Social Security system,” says Max Richtman, the president of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare.
Our work provides essential services for all Americans without concern for profit. Without our work, Americans would live at the mercy of robber barons.
By fostering understanding and inclusivity, we can create a Bucks County where Muslim children feel seen, fasting employees feel supported, and the beauty of Ramadan is embraced by the wider community.
Sue-Ann DiVito just returned from a human rights delegation at the Arizona border and reports what she saw — and more importantly what she didn't see.
"Doesn’t the stamp against the cry for equality prove it’s necessity?" writes Bensalem Township's Barbara Stakes.
These groups are the creation of deep-pocketed, "dark money" conservative networks, not “grassroots” advocates.
The event, sponsored by The Braver Angels of Southeast Pennsylvania and League of Women Voters of Bucks County, is to promote dialogue and strengthen community relationships.
“The executive order is not law and cannot change existing law. The orders even say on them they do not have the force of law,” said Kristina Moon, a senior attorney at the Education Law Center.
The right-wing law firm Thomas More Society, along with their plaintiffs which include South Side Area School District and Knoch School District, and Republican State Representatives Barbara Gleim and Aaron Bernstine, want to make discrimination OK again in the commonwealth.
The once-powerful group’s internal turmoil and diminishing size and status may be signs that the school privatization movement is now a fully right-wing enterprise.
But advocates argue reforms ought to be focused on expanding the electorate and turnout, not making it more difficult to vote.
“At a time when the very foundations of our democracy are being challenged, it’s more important now than ever that we elect people who are dedicated to upholding the rule of law,” said Bucks County Democratic Committee Chair Steve Santarsiero.
“Without poll workers, we cannot have elections. They are the foundation of our election system,” Jeff Greenburg, a senior adviser on election administration for the Committee of Seventy, told Votebeat.
The state’s top election official calls on the Legislature to update rules, and to give local administrators a voice.
Pennsylvania's Republican Secretary of the Commonwealth Al Schmidt said states need federal help to safeguard elections from foreign and domestic bad actors.
The Democratic-majority court has played a big role in defusing election challenges. Now Republicans are mobilizing for a takeover.
Recent Votes:
- H.Res. 242: Providing for consideration of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 24) providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Energy relating to “Energy Conservation Prog March 25, 2025Vote: Passed 214/207 Rep. Fitzpatrick [R-PA1]: Aye
- On Ordering the Previous Question: H.Res. 242: Providing for consideration of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 24) providing for congressional … March 25, 2025Vote: Passed 215/208 Rep. Fitzpatrick [R-PA1]: Yea
- H.R. 1534: IMPACT Act March 25, 2025Vote: Passed 350/73 Rep. Fitzpatrick [R-PA1]: Yea
- H.R. 1326: DOE and USDA Interagency Research Act March 24, 2025Vote: Passed 372/35 Rep. Fitzpatrick [R-PA1]: Yea