February 9 Hearing for Central Bucks School District Voting Regions Petition Canceled

Bucks County’s full bench recusal creates an unexpected delay until an “out-of-county” judge is appointed for the hearing.

Bucks County Court of Common Pleas Judge Jeffrey G. Trauger issued an order Tuesday that cancels Thursday’s scheduled hearing concerning two different proposals for voting regions in the Central Bucks School District.

READ: It Takes A Village: Expelling Right-Wing Extremism From Bucks County School Districts

In November, the Central Bucks School Board voted to move forward with a redistricted regions map, based upon 2020 Census data, that disenfranchises 6,000 voters from casting a timely ballot.  

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On January 27, CBSD Fair Votes filed a redistricting petition, along with an emergency petition to intervene in the Central Bucks School District’s petition and a motion to consolidate the two cases with the court.

BACKGROUND: Parents’ Group Files Court Challenge To Central Bucks School District Regions Map

The timing of the court delay could impact five school board director seats in the upcoming municipal election. The mostly likely outcome will be that it will be assigned to a court of common pleas judge in a neighboring county.

“It was a surprise to learn that none of the Bucks County Judges will be able to hear our case this week, but ultimately we want our petition to be considered alongside the CB Board Directors’ proposal and this delay should ensure that happens,” said Tracy Suits, a former school board director and member of CBSD Fair Votes.

“I want the voices of the more than 3,600 voters who signed our petition to be fairly heard. I look forward to continuing our team’s work and make a case for fair voting regions and increasing individual impact in selecting our representation,” she added.

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Picture of Jenny Stephens

Jenny Stephens

Jenny Stephens is a freelance journalist who has written for a variety of publications, including The Reporter. An avid collector of all things vintage, she resides in the Philadelphia area.

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