White Supremacy And Neo-Nazi Server Epik Hosts Telford Councilman’s ‘Library Loophole’ Website

Websites containing hate speech and discriminatory slurs face no challenge on Epik making the content of the Jacobus website a perfect fit for the controversial internet service provider.

Telford Councilman Robert Jacobus came under fire once again at Monday’s monthly council meeting.

“This is yet another call for Robert Jacobus to resign and cease his crusade against the library,” said John Waldenberger during the meeting’s public comment period.

“In March he created a website to publish and spread his lies and deception regarding GMS/LGBTQ material available at the Indian Valley Library,” Waldenberger said. “The Library Loophole site is registered with Epik,” he added.

Epik, a website hosting company and server, is known to accommodate online content filled with white supremacy, neo-Nazi and other hate and disinformation sites.

Following the mass shooting at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue that killed 11 people in 2018, antisemitic messaging from the murderer was discovered on the website GAB. GoDaddy, who was hosting GAB at the time, pulled the plug on the alt-right domain.

GAB resurfaced on Epik.

“Epik supports the conspiracy theory website InfoWars, embattled conservative platform Parler, the largely unregulated YouTube alternative BitChute, the gun forum AR15.com and a site for rabid Trump supporters called Patriots.win, previously known as The Donald,” wrote NPR in 2021.

Jacobus, who was appointed to fill a vacancy on the council, first stirred local controversy in February following the appearance of a Facebook post that referenced “a Bucks County councilman,” wanting to defund the Indian Valley Library due to “pornography.”

READ: Citing LGBTQ Books, Telford Councilman Admits To Authoring Portions Of A Facebook Post Calling To Defund Indian Valley Public Library

When confronted during public comment, Jacobus admitted he was that councilman saying “in the library, what we have is ultimately how-to books on how to have anal sex… call me a Christo-fascist,” he said with a shrug.

At the March council meeting Mayor Jerry Guretse advised and implored those with library complaints to address their concerns directly to the Indian Valley Library.

READ: Crusading Anti-LGBTQ Telford Councilman Robert Jacobus Asked To Resign, Again

John Waldenberger is running as an Independent for a seat on the Telford Borough Council in this year’s municipal election.

Jacobus, along with Claudio Sanchez and Luke Zeigler, collectively known as Telford Tough, are running as write-in candidates.

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Picture of Jenny Stephens

Jenny Stephens

Jenny Stephens is a freelance journalist who has written for a variety of publications, including The Reporter. An avid collector of all things vintage, she resides in the Philadelphia area.

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