Apostle Abby Abildness is on a quest to claim the Keystone state for God. She’s a Pennsylvania-based leader in a worldwide network of neo-charismatic Christian leaders called the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), which promotes dominionism, the belief that Christians have a mandate from God to control all aspects of government and culture.
NAR leaders advance a supposedly divine strategy for achieving dominion called the “Seven Mountains Mandate,” which divides society into seven categories, or “mountains”, and encourages Christians to pick a mountain and then head into their community to conquer it for God.
Abildness is focused on the government mountain. In a 2012 newsletter, Abildness instructed her network to “pray for and proclaim God’s dominion over your city councils, courts, state legislators, state courts, America’s leaders [and] the United Nations,” as discovered by NAR researcher @KiraResistance (whose research is featured throughout much of this piece.)
One of the organizations led by Abildness, the Pennsylvania Apostolic Prayer Network (PAPN), promotes the Seven Mountains on its website.
Another organization led by Abildness, the Pennsylvania Prayer Caucus, works with state legislators to promote biblically-inspired legislation.
A third organization led by Abildness, the Global Apostolic Prayer Network (GAPN) is in 115 nations.
GAPN is part of Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network, which promotes the Seven Mountains and was endorsed in 2010 by the late C. Peter Wagner. It was Wagner who named the NAR and helped organize the movement.
READ: With God On Their Side? White Christian Nationalists’ Crusade Against Multiracial Democracy
Wagner wrote in 2007 that the Seven Mountains had “become a permanent fixture in my personal teaching on taking dominion, adding that, “our theological bedrock is what has been known as Dominion Theology.” He explained what the NAR means when it speaks of taking “dominion”:
“Dominion has to do with control. Dominion has to do with rulership. Dominion has to do with authority and subduing. And it relates to society. In other words, what the values are in Heaven need to be made manifest here on earth. Dominion means being the head and not the tail. Dominion means ruling as kings … So we are kings for dominion.”
Abildness and her NAR colleagues see Pennsylvania as the cornerstone of their mission to take dominion of the nation, as well as other nations, for Jesus. It is Abildness’s job to make this vision a reality.
Many New Apostolic Reformation leaders are ramping up a contest for theocratic power in the nation & the world in what they call a "kingdom revolution" led by an "army of believers." Their first target is Pennsylvania, warns @FredClarkson in @Salon. https://t.co/QXkXBt2bHG
— Cyril Mychalejko (@cmychalejko) June 17, 2023
What is the NAR and who is involved with it?
The NAR, which received its name from the late C. Peter Wagner, is a movement and a network of like-minded religious leaders, not an organization.
Wagner did, however, establish and/or preside over a handful of NAR-aligned organizations so that leaders in the movement could support and collaborate with each other. Those organizations include the International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders (ICAL), the US Coalition of Apostolic Leaders (USCAL), and the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (ACPE). (ICAL was previously called the International Coalition of Apostles.)
We initially reported on the NAR in August last year. As stated in that report, some of the NAR’s most prominent leaders include:
- Cindy Jacobs
- John Benefiel
- Lance Wallnau
- Abby Abildness
- Dutch Sheets
- Chuck Pierce
- Ché Ahn
- Lou Engle
- Jim Garlow
- Steve Strang (Charisma News)
- Steve Shultz (Elijah List).
We were able to confirm NAR affiliation for these individuals (other than Abildness) based on their inclusion on old membership lists (linked in the piece) for Wagner’s organizations. In recent years, the NAR has made those lists private.
But inclusion on such a list is not the only way to establish NAR involvement.
Abildness’s involvement is evidenced by (among other things) her book bio, which says she’s “the Pennsylvania representative for the Cindy Jacobs’ Reformation Prayer Network and John Benefiel’s [Heartland] Apostolic Prayer Network, and was commissioned as an apostle by John Benefiel in 2011.” (Emphasis added.)
“The honorific ‘Apostle’ designates a leading church office in the NAR,” according to Frederick Clarkson, a Senior Research Analyst at progressive think tank Political Research Associates. As further explained by Clarkson, the NAR teaches that, “the only legitimate church offices, as described in the Book of Ephesians, are apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists and pastors … This is called the ‘fivefold ministry.’”
In addition to promoting dominionism, NAR leaders and their followers believe in faith healing, exorcism, prophetic words, speaking in tongues, and “spiritual warfare,” the notion that they are engaged in a literal battle against witchcraft and demonic spirits who control those who disagree with their politics and biblical worldview.
In 2018, NAR Apostle Dutch Sheets warned of intense spiritual warfare surrounding the hearings over then Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. And in the runup to Jan. 6, 2021, Abildness claimed that angels had appeared over Independence Hall in Philadelphia after she and other believers had performed spiritual warfare in collaboration with Sheets.
As far as I’ve seen, Abildness does not claim to receive prophetic words herself. But she does claim that William Penn, founder of Pennsylvania, received a “prophetic revelation from the Lord” that told him Pennsylvania would serve as a “holy seed” for “godly governance” throughout the nation.
Abildness has even made a video promoting Penn’s alleged prophecy. In the video, throngs of seemingly entranced believers drop to their knees as they face the Pennsylvania state capitol.
Healing Tree International
Abildness calls herself “Dr. Abby Abildness,” rather than “Apostle Abby Abildness” on her website at Healing Tree International, an organization that she founded with her husband to “restore the God-ordained destiny of people and nations in collaboration with affiliate networks.”
The website doesn’t disclose where Abildness earned her doctorate or medical degree, if any, but describes Abildness as a “former Behavioral Science Professor at Hershey Medical Center/Penn State University and Pastoral Care and Counseling Professor at Myerstown Theological Seminary.”
Penn State told me that it won’t release information about former employees. I reached out to Healing Tree for information last week, but have yet to hear back.
Through Healing Tree and a book released in 2010, Abildness has encouraged “healing prayer” as an adjunct to medical care. She claims to have personally received miraculous healing from endometrial cancer.
This may sound benign in the abstract. But Abildness is closely affiliated with NAR Apostle Ché Ahn (founder of Harvest International Ministries) who claims to have cured a girl’s blindness by licking his thumb and putting it in her eye.
NAR Apostle Cindy Jacobs (whose prayer network is represented by Abildness) once claimed to have resurrected a dead cat.
According to its website, Healing Tree includes multiple “branches,” including Generals International (Jacobs), Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network (Benefiel), Global Apostolic Prayer Network (Benefiel), Pennsylvania Apostolic Prayer Network (Jacobs, Benefiel, and Abildness), International Leadership Institute, Transformation Health Network, Congressional Prayer Caucus, and ICAL, one of the NAR groups led by Wagner before his death.
Healing Tree’s website also lists multiple “affiliated branches,” including Philadelphia Tabernacle of David, Global Spheres, Inc. (previously called Global Harvest Ministries – Chuck Pierce), Lamplighter Ministries, and Youth With a Mission (Loren Cunningham).
It was Loren Cunningham and Bill Bright (founder of Campus Crusade) who initially conceived of the Seven Mountains Mandate, according to Jacobs.
Pennsylvania Prayer Caucus
Abildness also is the State Director of the Pennsylvania Prayer Caucus, a subsidiary of the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation (CPCF). In this role, Abildness meets with state lawmakers once a week.
Her caucus has collaborated with the state level Pennsylvania Freedom Caucus and with Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA), who currently chairs the federal House Freedom Caucus in D.C. Abildness even attended the recent launch of the state level freedom caucus in Harrisburg, which Perry emceed, as the Beacon reported in April. (You may recall that Trump’s former Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows, burned documents after meeting with Perry in the runup to Jan 6, 2021, per the testimony of former White House staffer Cassidy Hutchinson.)
READ: Who Is The Pennsylvania Freedom Caucus?
Abildness’s Pennsylvania Prayer Caucus also promotes state legislation using model bills from CPCF. Many of these bills attack LGBTQ+ rights.
🧵 #Pennsylvania 🚨 Secret 🎥 Mastriano #NAR Apostle Abby Abildness praying in Senator Dush office RE 11.22 election ⚠️ At 1:00 mark "We pray for a righteous reign from these elections…We pray that those who come into office are God's appointed people"#Harrisburg #PAGOV pic.twitter.com/jJCWKXuykD
— Kira Resistance 🚨 (@KiraResistance) April 3, 2023
This model bill initiative was launched in 2015 by CPCF in partnership with the National Legal Foundation and Wallbuilders, a nonprofit founded by Seven Mountains proponent David Barton, who received his so-called “doctorate” from a Christian diploma mill and has led the crusade against the separation between church and state for more than 30 years.
The model bill initiative is called “Project Blitz.”
In 2013, when Project Blitz was still years away, Abildness championed a bill to require that Pennsylvania public schools post “In God We Trust” inside classrooms. Abildness promoted the bill with former State Representative Rick Saccone who once said that he was running for office because God wants Christians “who will rule with the fear of God in them to rule over us.”
Their bill “was certainly a model for the [“In God We Trust”] model bill in the [subsequent] Project Blitz legislative playbook,” Clarkson told me. This bill “has been the most popular model bill in the playbook,” and thus “we might think of Apostle Abildness as the grandmother of the whole thing,” Clarkson added.
Although the bill failed to pass in Pennsylvania, many other states have passed “In God We Trust” laws aimed at public schools.
The Pennsylvania bill’s original sponsor, Saccone, made headlines a few years ago due to his Facebook posts from Jan 6, 2021, including a photograph of Saccone with Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano outside the U.S. Capitol and a separate post announcing that, “We are storming the Capitol. Our vanguard has broken thru the barricades. We will save this nation. Are u with me?”
Mastriano’s campaign had sent buses to the U.S. Capitol, and Mastriano himself had reportedly walked through breached barriers that day. Mastriano, a retired Army Colonel, had previously prayed for Trump allies to “seize the power” during a NAR prayer call ahead of Jan. 6. He knew as early as Jan. 4 of Trump’s plan to instruct his supporters to march to the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.
Abildness made multiple appearances with Mastriano in 2020, as we previously reported, including an interview in June 2020.
Abildness later supported Mastriano’s failed 2022 gubernatorial campaign. She even spoke during his campaign announcement, declaring that his candidacy would “bring a holy shift to the nation.”
In April 2022, the two of them led a biblical tour of the Senate Chamber in the State Capitol where they misinterpreted paintings on the building walls, as reported by religious historian John Fea.
Abildness and Mastriano gave another such tour in January this year.
Abildness claims to have given these tours to “probably thousands of people.” She has said that she uses the tours as a public relations “bridge” to Democrats.
Last year, Abildness conducted a “William Penn Proclamation Signing Ceremony,” with help from Mastriano, State Representative David Zimmerman, and State Senator Cris Dush. The ceremony was promoted by Intercessors for America (IFA), which has recruited “prayer warriors” on the NAR-affiliated Elijah List.
Abildness had created and promoted a “Penn Proclamation” document, which approximately 60 lawmakers reportedly signed. Her website includes a PDF of the proclamation, but does not disclose who signed it.
State Representative Stephanie Borowicz participated in the Penn ceremony and has collaborated with Abildness on other occasions, as have Zimmerman and Dush.
Dush and his chief of staff, John Foust, another Abildness ally, spoke at a “Stop the Steal” rally on Jan. 5, 2021, as reported by Sean Kitchen.
Abildness seems to have forged an alliance with State Representative Rob Kauffman as well.
In April this year, Abildness hosted a prayer call with state lawmakers, as reported by NAR expert Clarkson. During the call, Mastriano and Abildness promoted Penn’s alleged “prophecy.” Borowicz, Zimmerman, and state judge Patricia McCullough participated in the call too. (McCullough lost her bid for the state Supreme Court in May this year.)
Last year, Borowicz introduced a bill modeled on Florida’s infamous “Don’t Say Gay” law. She has also championed so-called “parental rights” legislation. The “parental rights” rubric originates from Christian homeschooling advocacy groups, as we recently reported.
Mastriano has championed “parental rights” legislation too. He has also urged his 2 million followers to run in local school board races.
Mastriano had previously targeted public schools during his unsuccessful gubernatorial run, proposing a 50 percent cut in funding and a voucher plan that would have boosted private religious schools and homeschooling. Abildness has also had America’s school system in her sights.
Abildness’s Pennsylvania Prayer Caucus doesn’t publish its legislative priorities. But they likely overlap with those of the so-called “Concerned Women for America” (CWA) nonprofit, which “promotes Biblical values and Constitutional principles through prayer, education, and advocacy,” per its website. We found this link to CWA’s legislative priorities for Pennsylvania in 2023. It includes a descriptive list of CWA’s favorite bills, including bill sponsors, such as Mastriano, Borowicz, Kauffman, Zimmerman, and Dush.
Abildness met with CWA in October 2020.
Life Center Ministries
Abildness engages with her local community through Life Center Ministries International in Harrisburg, where she’s a pastor. Abildness and her husband have been “part of Life Center’s leadership team for many years,” according to Life Center. (FN1)
Life Center has declared that it wants the “Kingdom of God to come to our government.”
Wallnau, a self-described Christian Nationalist and former Pennsylvania resident, spoke at Life Center in 2019. He took the opportunity to promote the Seven Mountains mandate.
Editor @cmychalejko speaks w/@JeffSharlet, author of newly published "The Undertow: Scenes from a Slow Civil War," & "The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power." They talk his new book & the growing fascist threat in this countryhttps://t.co/wSLkUurcKj
— BucksCountyBeacon (@BucksCoBeacon) April 5, 2023
Wallnau is close with the America’s Black Robe Regiment, a militant pastors group that collaborates with disgraced retired Lieutenant General Mike Flynn and that partnered with the Oath Keepers in 2021, as we reported here.
Wallnau recently announced that Eric Trump, Kari Lake, and Flynn will participate in his multi-state Fire and Glory tour, which draws thousands of people.
Life Center has also hosted Randy Clark, who currently presides over a separate multi-state tour with Flynn and Roger Stone (former President Donald Trump’s longtime advisor) called the Reawaken America Tour (RAT). The RAT is sponsored by the NAR-affiliated Charisma News, as we warned last year.
In addition, Life Center has hosted NAR Apostle Lou Engle who, in 2010, supported harsh measures against gay people in Uganda.
Life Center supports 35 ministries, including NAR Apostle Ché Ahn’s Harvest International Ministry, which has ties to 25,000 affiliated churches in 65 countries.
Life Center’s founder, Apostle Charles Stock, holds a leadership position in Ahn’s ministry, as does Wallnau. Jacobs sits on Ahn’s Board of Directors.
Ahn was in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 5, 2021, where he predicted that “we’re gonna rule and reign through President Trump and under the lordship of Jesus Christ.”
Life Center also supports and partners with Wildheart Ministries, which owns a mansion and a coffee shop in Harrisburg. Wildheart is led by Tannon Herman who was (perhaps still is) a Global Team Leadership Member of “Burn 24/7” (FN2), an organization kindled from … day and night worship gatherings among college students in 2005,” per its website.
Burn 24/7 was founded by Christian musician Sean Feucht, who previously lived in Harrisburg and (per LinkedIn) received his “ordination” from Life Center in 2009 (FN3).
Feucht later joined the music collective at Bethel megachurch in Redding, California. Bethel is led by NAR Apostle Bill Johnson, who co-authored a book with Wallnau called “Invading Babylon: the Seven Mountains Mandate.”
Feucht performed at Life Center last year and in April this year. He acknowledges that, “Yeah, we want God in Control of government …We want God writing the laws of the land.”
Abildness’s sidekick, Mastriano, gave Feucht and Apostle Charles Stock a tour of the state Capitol in 2022.
Feucht has also appeared alongside Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), as well as with Trump who spoke during his 2021 event at the National Mall, which drew thousands of people. But the national media rarely mentions his NAR ties.
Feucht will return to Pennsylvania during his tour of America’s 50 state capitols with Turning Point USA, a far right Christian youth group. He’s saving Pennsylvania for the last stop, as reported by Clarkson. Mastriano has promoted the tour on Facebook.
Like Feucht and TPUSA, Life Center wants America’s youth. It recently launched a training program called “Greenhouse” for 18-30 year olds.
The Pennsylvania Apostolic Prayer Network (PAPN)
Abildness also is the State Leader of the Pennsylvania Apostolic Prayer Network (PAPN), which states on its website that PAPN seeks to bring forth William Penn’s vision and to “Network positional relationships among seven mountain leaders … and impact the community.”
PAPN’s apparent plan is to create the statewide infrastructure for taking dominion of the Keystone state. Per its website, PAPN “is a statewide network established with leadership teams in the 67 counties of Pennsylvania.”
The website includes a state “spiritual mapper.” According to NAR expert André Gagné, “There are several practices tied to spiritual mapping, one has to do with ‘research.’ Mappers gather detailed information i.e., on the status of … demonic powers that pose spiritual opposition in a given region.” (Here’s a link to additional information on spiritual mapping.)
After spiritual mapping, believers strive to chase the demons away using spiritual warfare, which is what Abildness endeavored to do in Philadelphia after Trump’s 2020 defeat.
PAPN partners with the Pennsylvania-based Transformation Prayer Network (TPN), according to TPN’s website, which promotes the Seven Mountains.
TPN says that it is focused on “transforming” eight Pennsylvania school districts: Brandywine Heights, Southern Lehigh, East Penn, Quakertown, Pennridge, Souderton, Perk Valley, and Boyertown. TPN lists ministries and prayer houses with which it partners in a separate section of its website. The list is astonishingly long.
Another PAPN affiliate, Kingdom Life Center, has promoted the Seven Mountains on Facebook and identified four regional PAPN leaders who work under Abildness: Rey and Renald Almgrem, Sheri Shoemaker, and Peter Smith.
PAPN claims to have successfully recruited leadership teams in many of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties. But its website discloses only four partners: Generals International (Cindy Jacobs), Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network (John Benefiel), Healing Tree (Abildness), and CPCF.
Influence in other states
Abildness’s influence also extends to other states. She’s involved, for example, with the 13 Colony Council (“Council”), which calls itself “a peer group of Kingdom minded Christian leaders … in each of the original 13 Colonies.” Abildness, Mastriano, and Zimmerman participated in a Council event two years ago.
The Council was founded by NAR Apostle Chuck Pierce who prophesied last year that “the United States will soon undergo a major split, with less than less than half of the 50 states coming together under one flag.”
Abildness also is “the regional leader over the 5 middle colony states of Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland, Delaware and New Jersey for the Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network and Generals International,” per Healing Tree’s website.
Generals International is led by Cindy Jacobs and her husband, whereas Heartland is led by John Benefiel.
Like Pierce, Jacobs has hinted at civil war. In August 2015, a few months after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down state laws banning same-sex marriage, she prophesied that “there would come a time when states would threaten to secede from the union” over the issue of “states rights” on “biblical marriage.” She said that her colleague, NAR Apostle James Goll, had similarly prophesied that “the war between the states has begun.”
“This is not us saying this kind of thing,” Jacobs insisted, as reported by Right Wing Watch. “It’s just all through the Word of God.” (How convenient.)
Jacobs also sits on the board of the Oak Initiative, which was founded by NAR leader Rick Joyner, who has promoted the idea of Christian militias and once called for a military coup to overthrow former President Barack Obama.
The 2000 presidential election
It can be tempting to dismiss Abildness and her colleagues as religious fanatics. Unfortunately, some of our elected officials (including former President Donald Trump) have embraced religious fanatics in exchange for political support. Below is a photo of NAR Apostle Jim Garlow with Trump at the White House.
Here’s one outside the White House featuring NAR Apostles Jacobs, Sheets, and Goll.
Equally alarming, some American political leaders have been religious fanatics themselves. Former Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris once described Sheets and Jacobs (close allies of Abildness) as her “godly mentors,” as I learned from NAR expert Bruce Wilson. Harris also claimed that the separation between church and state was “a lie we’ve been told.”
During the 2000 presidential election, Harris infamously certified then candidate George W. Bush’s “victory” before the hand recount was complete. She did so after a manufactured riot at an election office in Democratic-leaning Miami Dade had interrupted the recount. The riot occurred just as Vice President Al Gore seemed poised to surpass Bush, who led by only 537 votes.
Political consultant Roger Stone took credit for orchestrating the disruption, which is known as the “Brooks Brothers Riot.” (Stone is also a longtime Trump advisor and architect of the 2020 “Stop the Steal” campaign that culminated in the storming of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.)
Of the 2000 election, Sheets has written that God told him that the “present level of prayer wasn’t enough to turn the tide, and that an urgent prayer alert had to be issued to believers around the nation,” and so “I issued this prayer alert, and millions of people around the world responded.” (Releasing the Prophetic Destiny of a Nation, by Sheets and Pierce, pp. 14-15.)
Harris claims to have “received 400,000 e-mail messages from people saying they were praying for her” during that tumultuous time. By certifying Bush’s “win” without a completed recount, Harris effectively threw the election to Bush, who had campaigned as an evangelical Christian.
In his book, Destiny of a Nation (2001), C. Peter Wagner boasted that the NAR had swung the election. “[T]he destiny of a whole nation can be determined through the ministry of intercessors and prophets” and “the authors of this book believe that … such a thing … happened in the United States presidential election of 2000,” Wagner wrote.
The national media covered Harris’s inappropriate ties to the Bush campaign (she was the Bush campaign’s Florida co-chair). But it overlooked the NAR connection, which I learned about from Wilson.
Wilson has also warned of the NAR’s ties to former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, former Texas governor Rick Perry, and former Representative Michelle Bachman. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich also courted the NAR, as reported in 2011.
The national media mostly ignored these warnings, enabling this dominionist network to metastasize in the dark.
The path to PA
After the 2000 election, Sheets and Pierce embarked on a 50-state tour, which they summarized in a 2005 book titled “Releasing the Prophetic Destiny of a Nation.”
They saved Pennsylvania—which they called a “governmental shift state—for the last stop of the tour.
Fifteen years later (in 2019), Abildness declared in a Facebook video that she and her colleagues seek to “bring transformation — from Pennsylvania to the nations,” adding that, “We are what [NAR Apostles] Chuck Pierce and Dutch Sheets said, ‘we’re the governmental shift state, to bring this change in our nation.’”
She didn’t specify what this “change” might mean for ordinary Americans, but it can’t be good for LGBTQ+ people. When the Supreme Court recognized a constitutional right to same-sex marriage in 2015, Sheets wrote that America had taken “one step closer toward the death of our God-given destiny and greatness,” and that “we are now an apostate nation.”
Three years later, Pierce claimed to have had a dream about overturning a steamboat that was hosting a “homosexual convention.”
In May 2020, Abildness held an event in Pennsylvania titled “Restoring the Holy Seed of a Nation,” a reference to William Penn’s supposed prophecy. The event featured Abildness, Sheets, and Pierce.
Abildness reunited with Sheets and Pierce in April this year when she hosted the final call of their 50-state prayer call series, as reported by Clarkson. During this event, Abildness again characterized Pennsylvania as a “‘governmental shift state,” declaring that “the way that government would be successful is if all the legislators were believers in God.”
The effort to overturn the 2020 election
Abildness had previously collaborated with Sheets in trying to undo Trump’s 2020 defeat with spiritual warfare.
Like other Christian zealots, the NAR was enamored of Trump because he had given them control of America’s judicial system in exchange for their unwavering support. Trump “gave us judges,” Wallnau exalted earlier this year. It was a mutually beneficial, transactional relationship.
In Dec 2020, Abildness conducted a pro-Trump prayer march around Independence Hall in Philadelphia. Sheets, who had conceived of the march in a dream, called it “Operation Valkyrie,” which also was the codename for the plot to assassinate Hitler during World War II.
Abildness also hosted a series of Pennsylvania based, pro-Trump “Jericho marches.” (Jericho was an ancient town surrounded by high walls. According to the Bible, the walls collapsed after Israelites marched around Jericho seven times while priests blew on trumpets.)
I’ve seen no evidence that Abildness traveled to D.C. for Jan. 6. But a week before Jan. 6, she tweeted: “Senators, Stand Your Ground and object to the fraudulent ‘results’ of the 2020 election.” She also led a group prayer for Vice President Mike Pence to “do the right thing.”
Even if Abildness was not in D.C. on the 6th, her NAR colleagues were there, including Jacobs, Ahn, and Wallnau.
Jacobs and the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders reportedly received a White House tour on Jan. 5.
On the 6th, Sheets reportedly prayed with Jacobs via speakerphone while she engaged in spiritual warfare during the riot, as reported by Matthew Taylor, author and creator of the podcast, “Charismatic Revival Fury: The New Apostolic Reformation.”
Former Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), a longtime protege of NAR Apostle Jim Garlow and pastor to the United Nations, stationed herself inside the Capitol on the morning of the 6th.
Here she is in the runup to Jan. 6.
It’s almost inconceivable that the Jan. 6 committee would ignore Christian extremist involvement in the events of the 6th. But that’s exactly what it did, reportedly due to an “intervention” by committee member Liz Cheney, whose father (Dick Cheney) served as VP under George W. Bush and thus owes his legacy to NAR ally Katherine Harris.
Global ambitions
Despite failing to overturn Trump’s loss, Abildness and her colleagues remain focused on their dominionist agenda. And their efforts extend beyond the United States.
Abildness and her husband, for example, seek to establish a so-called “Penn United Nations Peace Council,” per Healing Tree’s website. Abildness reportedly met in London with “several European UN diplomats” last year, per Intercessors for America.
Abildness also leads the Global Apostolic Prayer Network, an international dominionist project founded by NAR Apostle John Benefiel.
According to Abildness, Benefiel said that he wanted the “DNA of what Pennsylvania carries to go global,” and that’s when she was “named the Global Apostolic Prayer Network [GAPN] leader.”
Last year, Abildness and other NAR leaders met with the president of Guatemala. Abildness also is a fan of Israeli President Bibi Netanyahu and former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro.
In case you haven’t figured it out yet, the NAR intends to conquer the world. Most Americans would oppose the NAR’s dominionist agenda if they knew about it. Thus far, most Americans don’t know about it.
Abildness, however, is well aware of the handful of researchers and journalists who seek to expose the NAR. In April this year, during the Pennsylvania prayer call reported by Clarkson, Abildness acknowledged “those right wing watchers that are being drawn to watch this grassroots movement and try to stop it.” She nonetheless proclaimed that God would “render victory over the enemy’s ineffectual attempts at trying to stop this holy seed.”
- Backup screenshot for Life Center Facebook post.
- Backup screenshot for Tannon Herman LinkedIn.
- Backup screenshot for Sean Feucht LinkedIn