Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick Votes To Severely Limit Abortion Access To Members of the Military

“This is how Brian Fitzpatrick and the GOP wish to repay these women for their service,” said combat veteran and PA01 Democratic Congressional Candidate Ashley Ehasz.
Bucks County's Republican Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick has a long record of opposing abortion rights and Planned Parenthood.

Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick continued his assault on reproductive health care on Friday by voting for a defense bill with amendments that restrict abortion access for military women.

“As a combat veteran I know the sacrifices our service members make to fight for our freedoms. In return, Brian Fitzpatrick just voted to take away freedoms from women in uniform and sided with the most extreme members of his party over women in our military,” said Ashley Ehasz, a combat veteran and Democratic candidate running against Fitzpatrick in Pennsylvania’s First Congressional District.

The National Defense Authorization Act details the budget, including expenditures and policies, for the U.S. Department of Defense for fiscal year 2023.

The Pentagon, in response to the overturning of Roe v. Wade and states who have since severely limited or outlawed abortion, provided funding for members of the military to travel to reproductive-friendly states if needed.

GOP House amendments to the budget for 2023 defense funding removes those financial provisions.  The bill narrowly passed with a 219-210 vote including four Republicans who voted against it and four Democrats who voted for it.

“Women who are active-duty service members do not get to choose what state they live in,” Ehasz said. “This is how Brian Fitzpatrick and the GOP wish to repay these women for their service — Pennsylvania’s 1st Congressional District deserves better. I will always stand up for our service members and the freedom to choose.”

A similar scenario is currently playing out in the Senate where Alabama GOP Sen. Tommy Tuberville has stalled military promotions until the Defense Department revokes this policy.

Historically, Brian Fitzpatrick has repeatedly voted for legislation that limits access to abortion, including a 2017 vote for a national abortion ban.

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Picture of Jenny Stephens

Jenny Stephens

Jenny Stephens is a freelance journalist who has written for a variety of publications, including The Reporter. An avid collector of all things vintage, she resides in the Philadelphia area.

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