Letters: Lock Trump Up?, A Hurricane of MAGA Lies and Cruelty, Protect Reproductive Rights This Election, Busting Myths on Immigration, and More

Bucks County Beacon readers sound off.

Lock Him Up?

In 2016, Trump supporters relentlessly shouted “Lock her up!” over Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server for classified information. While the FBI found she was careless, no charges were brought against her. Now, Trump is facing charges for far more serious crimes that pose a much greater threat to national security – but there is silence.

Trump didn’t just mishandle highly classified documents – he stole boxes of them and stored them haphazardly in an unlocked office, a closet, a shower and even a ballroom at Mar-a-Lago. The crime was so serious that forty criminal counts were filed against him. This is even more concerning given revelations that after leaving the White House, Trump has maintained unusually close contact with Russia’s Vladimir Putin.

Even worse, Trump has been charged in connection with the violent attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, in an attempt to keep himself in office. When violent crowds broke into the Capitol shouting “Hang Mike Pence!” and trying to harm members of Congress, Trump simply watched on TV.

If Kamala Harris had done any of these things, Trump supporters would march in the streets. Instead, when he puts national security at risk, they place “Trump-Vance 2024” signs in their yards. What are they thinking? It’s time to end this hypocrisy. 

For those who care about our democracy and national security, it’s time for Americans in every part of the country to shout from their rooftops, “Lock Him Up!”

Ed Markowski, Coal Township

Trump Lies About Hurricane Response

When disasters strike, that’s when we need our president and other elected officials the most. During Hurricanes Helene and Milton, the Biden-Harris administration did its job while Donald Trump and House Speaker Mike Johnson spread lies and shirked responsibility.

According to the Charlotte Observer, “former President Donald Trump has politicized [Hurricane Helene] at every turn, spreading falsehoods and conspiracies that fracture the community instead of bringing it together.” NO, the Biden-Harris administration did NOT use FEMA funds “on illegal immigrants.” These unprecedented lies hamper relief efforts. Trump knows that, yet keeps telling them. The Republican governors of Georgia and South Carolina have repeatedly said that the Biden-Harris administration is getting them the help they need.

Even after Hurricane Milton—the storm of the century— hit Florida, Speaker Mike Johnson still refuses to call Congress back into session to allocate stable funding for FEMA. That obstruction is making things even more dangerous for hurricane survivors!

According to Politico’s E&E news, Trump “initially refused to approve disaster aid for California after deadly wildfires in 2018 because of the state’s Democratic leanings.” The aid came only AFTER advisers told him that Orange County had many Trump supporters.

The Biden-Harris administration and FEMA are doing their jobs. Meanwhile, Trump hopes his hurricane lies will deliver him an election victory.   If we want principled leadership when the next disaster strikes, we need to elect Kamala Harris President and re-elect Senator Bob Casey.

Jesse L. Barlow, State College

Hurricanes Reveal MAGA Cruelty

It’s heartbreaking to see the path of destruction left in the wake of Hurricanes Helene and Milton. Make no mistake, past political decisions created this mess; future political decisions will determine if the pattern accelerates.

Despite incontrovertible evidence that burning fossil fuels contributes to global warming, increasing the number, intensity and destructiveness of hurricanes, Trump and MAGA Republicans steadfastly insist that climate change is a “hoax.”

Democrats recognize the dangers of climate change and, despite enormous obstacles, work effectively to develop clean sources of energy, which also create high-paying jobs and boost the economy.

Republicans consistently oppose regulations aimed at addressing climate change. As documented by the New York Times, for example, North Carolina’s Republican-controlled legislature prioritizes the construction industry over taxpayers, refusing to pass homebuilder legislation aimed at reducing hurricane risks, weakening environmental protections to mitigate stormwater runoff, and refusing to enact building codes that would have made the state eligible for federal climate-resilience grants. Not surprisingly, the NC Home Builders Association spends heavily on political donations and their dollars hold sway!

The federal government is there to help Americans affected by hurricanes. But MAGA uses these tragedies to promote their brand. Trump and cronies spew endless lies about the federal response, jeopardizing the safety and livelihoods of those they claim to protect. Elected officials on the ground–including Republican governors, legislators, and local officials–all praise the Biden administration’s response.

If you think elected officials should serve constituents, not themselves, vote for Democrats.

Karen Stoehr, State College 

Rep. Glenn “GT” Thompson Is Anti-science   

Who is Republican Congressman Glenn Thompson trying to kid?   In a recent campaign mailing Thompson says he’s “Standing up for Science.” That’s ridiculous.   

For more than 120 years, scientists have known that burning fossil fuels, and adding the resulting CO2 to the atmosphere, would lead to warming. The Swedish scientist who first discovered this went on to win a Nobel Prize.   

Since then, scientists have predicted that this warming would lead to melting glaciers, sea-level rise, dangerous heat waves, crop-killing droughts, stronger storms, and overall increased global temperatures. Each of these predictions has come true just as science predicted, and will only continue to get worse until we drastically reduce burning all forms of fossil fuels.   

Yet Thompson, rather than standing up for science, denies the scientific reason for the catastrophic problems associated with climate change. Sadly, he apparently doesn’t even have the curiosity to learn about it, instead spewing the standard Republican climate denial lies.   

As a result, Thompson’s science denial is costing each and every American money by way of increased food, insurance, and healthcare costs—whether we are directly affected by these weather events or not!   

Thompson standing up for science? Hardly. Instead, he’s comatose on the biggest scientific issue of our time and seems proud of it.   

President Biden recently said “Nobody can deny the impact of the climate crisis anymore. They must be brain dead if they do.”  Biden surely was talking about all the Republicans in Congress including, most certainly, Glenn Thompson.

Mary Bruce Serene, State College

Protect Reproductive Health

I remember when abortion was illegal in this country. To ensure we never go back, I want everyone to know what that was like. 

Before 1973, even consensual, monogamous, heterosexual sex was risky for women. 

An unintended pregnancy was frightening and dangerous. With few choices, women were forced to pick the least bad one: 

 • “Back-alley” abortions, for those with the money and connections to get one, left many women seriously injured, infertile or dead. 

 • Rushed motherhood disrupted education and blocked careers due to scarce childcare and workplace discrimination. Undesired marriage was often needed to obtain social acceptance and economic security.  

The Supreme Court decision to legalize abortion (with restrictions) reduced, but didn’t eliminate, risks. Since Roe v. Wade, a steady stream of laws narrowed the decision, ultimately leading to its overturn in 2022. 

Abortion access is now subject to the whims of legislators and judges—and unintended pregnancies are as common, and dangerous, as ever. 

So, I continue my decades-long fight to protect reproductive health. I give time and money to pro-choice candidates and organizations. I march and rally. I wear the same buttons: “I’m pro-choice and I vote.” “My body. My choice.” “Keep abortion safe and legal.” One simply showing a hanger in a red circle with a line through it. 

Together, we can win the fight—and not pass it onto future generations. We must elect Harris, Casey, and down-ballot Democrats. Unlike their opponents, Democrats believe in reproductive freedom.

Reclaim your power. Vote.

Sheri Berenbaum, State College

The Truth About Immigration

It’s time to debunk five harmful and demonizing myths about immigrants (both documented and undocumented).  Let’s build a functional and humane immigration system.

Myth I: Don’t pay taxes, use public benefits and harm the economy 

Undocumented workers contribute billions in taxes through sales, property, and income taxes.  The Social Security Administration estimates they contribute $100 billion annually, increasing SSA finances since they are ineligible for most public benefits, including welfare, food stamps (SNAP), and Medicaid. 

Myth II:  Take jobs from U.S. citizens

Undocumented workers often take low-paying, labor-intensive jobs that U.S. citizens refuse to take.  Up to 50% of our agriculture, construction, and hospitality labor force comprises immigrants who complement rather than compete with U.S. workers.

Myth III:  Cross the border illegally

Many workers come to the U.S. legally on work, student, or tourist visas and become undocumented because they overstay their visas. According to recent estimates, visa overstays comprised more than a million people in 2022 alone.  

Myth IV: Increase crime rates

Numerous studies show that immigrants, documented and undocumented, commit violent and drug crimes at less than half the rate, and property crimes at 1/4 the rate of native-born U.S. citizens.  

Myth V: Legal residency or citizenship is easy to attain

The process for undocumented immigrants to become legal residents is extremely complex and often unattainable.  Currently, the caseload averages 5000 per judge so waiting for legal status can take more than a decade.

Honesty is our North Star.  Seek truth before casting your ballot! 

Linda Barton, State College

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