How to Combat LGBTQ Book Bans in Schools
After the mass shooting at Club Q this weekend, it is all the more important that communities push back against anti-LGBTQ+ extremism targeting school boards.
After the mass shooting at Club Q this weekend, it is all the more important that communities push back against anti-LGBTQ+ extremism targeting school boards.
“Danny is a battle-tested patriot who represents the best of his generation. Bucks County will be safer with him as our Sheriff,” said former Bucks County Congressman Patrick Murphy.
We need a representative in Congress who engages not in sophistry, but in truth-telling, and one who has the courage to have in-person town halls open to all their constituents, writes Newtown’s Steve Cickay.
Locally, the cuts have already hacked away about one-third of the $800,000 the federal government had been sending to supplement Bucks County Opportunity Council programs like Fresh Connect.
“Anyone who visited Starbucks at 2896 S. Eagle Road in Newtown between 10:50 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. on March 19 should monitor for symptoms,” the Bucks County Health Department warns.
“These bills will protect health care coverage for Pennsylvanians, regardless of what happens at the federal level,” said state Rep. Perry Warren.