
Dave McCormick


Party: Republican

District: Statewide

Quick Facts:

  • American businessman and politician
  • Born in Washington, Pennsylvania
  • Attended high school in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania
  • Graduated from West Point with a Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering, in 1987
  • Went to United States Army Airborne School and to Ranger School; was named the Honor Graduate of Ranger School. He joined the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, in 1987
  • Was part of the first wave of U.S. troops sent into Iraq during the Gulf War in 1991
  • Left the service in 1992 after five years’ commissioned service
  • Earned a PhD in international relations from Princeton University’s School of Public and International Affairs, in 1996
  • Published a book based on his doctoral thesis called The Downsized Warrior about the downsizing of the U.S. Army at the end of the Cold War, in 1998
  • Worked as a consultant at McKinsey & Co. based in Pittsburgh from 1996-1999
  •  Joined FreeMarkets, a global provider of software and services in 1999
    Was promoted to president in 2001, and named CEO in 2002
    FreeMarkets was sold to Ariba in 2004, where he remained as president for another 18 months
  • Government experience:
    Nominated and confirmed as Commerce Department’s Under Secretary of Commerce for Industry and Security, in 2005
    Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economic Policy
    George W. Bush’s personal representative and negotiator to the Group of 8 (G8) industrialized countries
    Treasury Department in 2007
    Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs from 2007 to 2009
  • Bridgewater Associates President, 2009-2017
    co-CEO, 2017-2019
    CEO, 2020-2022
  • Ran for US Senate in 2022, and lost to Mehmet Oz in the Republican primary
  • Current Republican nominee for US Senate in the 2024 election

Candidate Contact info

LinkedIn Profile




PA Democrats Planning ‘Don’t Trust Dave’ Campaign

“Whether it’s his long record of enriching himself at the expense of working Pennsylvanians, supporting an abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or incest, or lying about living in Pennsylvania, David McCormick has lied his way through his campaign,” said Pennsylvania Democratic Party spokesperson TaNisha Cameron.

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