


What’s In Hillsdale’s 1776 Curriculum?

History is a conversation, unending and always open to new discussion and insights. What Hillsdale is pushing is a completely other view of what history even is, a view that looks remarkably like indoctrination.


Labor Day’s Forgotten Older Workers

Over the next decade, about 40 percent of middle-class older workers will be pushed into or near poverty when they reach retirement age.


The Value of a Good Public Education for All

Unfortunately, there is a national, well-funded right-wing movement underfoot that believes it can inflame people’s fears and prejudices to hijack and undermine public education in a desperate attempt to seize political power.


We Still Have a Dream

Sixty years after Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, our racial economic divide is vast as ever. But it can still be closed — and quickly.

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