On the Anniversary of James Baldwin’s ‘The Fire Next Time’
This classic work holds its relevance 60 years later.
This classic work holds its relevance 60 years later.
The New Apostolic Reformation, a dominionist movement, wants to claim the “Seven Mountains” of society for God. It’s Abby’s job to conquer Pennsylvania’s government mountain.
Our economic priorities have created a serious housing crisis and fueled homelessness. Solving the problem simply requires us to change our priorities from profits to people.
“They managed our presence in a way I’d never experienced before. Frankly, it felt a bit like I was a journalist being followed by the CCP,” noted photojournalist Zach Roberts.
Joe Biden nominated Su for the Cabinet post on February 28, but the Senate has yet to vote.
We believe strongly that Vanguard is on a reckless course, and we refuse to be complicit.
The words nationalism and patriotism are sometimes used as synonyms, such as when Trump and his supporters describe his America First agenda. But many political scientists, including me, don’t typically see those two terms as equivalent – or even compatible.
Extreme, pro-censorship authoritarians like Moms for Liberty are ringing in July 4 by calling for book bans. That’s un-American and wrong.
A school board run by Moms for Liberty members, who secretly seek advice from a right-wing Christian law firm, has subverted the First Amendment and effectively banned books under the pretense of weeding out old, obsolete titles.
Nevertheless, CeaseFire PA and Bucks County state lawmakers Perry Warren and Brian Munroe are determined to secure more funding, advance more legislation, and strengthen public safety.
“Every dollar that CCA spends on DoorDash or luxury vehicles, or at brew pubs or vineyards or exclusive clubs, is a dollar that was paid by a Pennsylvania taxpayer,” notes Education Voters PA.
“This type of disruption and chaos has no place in our schools,” said Heidi Roux, executive director of Bucks County’s Immigrant Rights Action.
The Republican Congressman owes his constituents an explanation about where he stands on this divisive issue. And why aren’t local newspapers chasing this story?
We spoke with NAACP Bucks County President Adrienne King and Co-Lead of Bucks County Anti-Racism Coalition Kevin E. Leven. The local McDonald’s franchises we reached out to all refused to reply or respond.