Protecting Our Democracy Protects Our Environment
If our elections and democratic institutions aren’t protected, the planet doesn’t stand a chance.
If our elections and democratic institutions aren’t protected, the planet doesn’t stand a chance.
This classic work holds its relevance 60 years later.
The New Apostolic Reformation, a dominionist movement, wants to claim the “Seven Mountains” of society for God. It’s Abby’s job to conquer Pennsylvania’s government mountain.
Our economic priorities have created a serious housing crisis and fueled homelessness. Solving the problem simply requires us to change our priorities from profits to people.
“They managed our presence in a way I’d never experienced before. Frankly, it felt a bit like I was a journalist being followed by the CCP,” noted photojournalist Zach Roberts.
Joe Biden nominated Su for the Cabinet post on February 28, but the Senate has yet to vote.
We believe strongly that Vanguard is on a reckless course, and we refuse to be complicit.
The words nationalism and patriotism are sometimes used as synonyms, such as when Trump and his supporters describe his America First agenda. But many political scientists, including me, don’t typically see those two terms as equivalent – or even compatible.
Extreme, pro-censorship authoritarians like Moms for Liberty are ringing in July 4 by calling for book bans. That’s un-American and wrong.
Stop looking to the Potomac and Senator Schumer and look, instead, to the Susquehanna and Governor Shapiro, or the Delaware River and Bucks County Democrats.
The Trump administration has abandoned the U.S. government’s long-standing commitment to protect and serve its veterans — a promise that dates back to the country’s founding.
‘Fetal personhood’ bills would grant fetuses, embryos the same rights as newborns.
The open letter organized by Issue One warns that “America is suddenly at a perilous crossroad” and urges Congress to start acting like a check and balance to the executive branch as the Constitution mandates.
This is why State Rep. Jim Prokopiak keeps his focus in Harrisburg squarely on “increased education funding, and [the need to] make sure that we have access to affordable healthcare and good paying jobs.”