

An interview with Dawn Curran, Emily Smith, and Kevin Foster about their successful campaign to return responsible leadership to Pennridge school board.
This will be a tall order for whomever is nominated, as Mastriano won his last election by 37 percent.
Democratic challenger Ashley Ehasz believes voters in Pennsylvania’s First Congressional District are ready to reject this extremism.
He sat down with the Bucks County Beacon to talk about his experience and his vision for representing and protecting all citizens of the Commonwealth.
“China Dave, a former hedge fund manager and CEO of Bridgewater, accumulated his wealth by investing in Chinese companies linked to human rights violations while cutting jobs in Pittsburgh," said Tomasetti.
Far-right councilman Robert Jacobus claimed the vacancy committee did not consider all interested parties to fill the seat vacated by Eric Kratz.
The candidates mostly agreed on voting, abortion rights, and healthcare.
The GOP lawmaker who in 2020 thought it was funny to share a video on Snapchat of him making his then 5-year-old son smoke a cigar and use foul language is making the rounds touting his latest bright idea.
Sign up today and submit questions you’d like the candidates to answer at Monday's virtual event.
The state senator believes the county is changing from purple to shades of blue. But people volunteering and getting involved is vital to continuing this progress.
In a fiery campaign speech, Biden invoked what he called Donald Trump’s derelictions of duty and threats to freedom
It starts with recognizing that what you do every day in the lead-up to an election is just as important as voting.
“Our members know Jared’s strong pro-worker record in Harrisburg of preserving workers’ rights, raising the minimum wage, and investing in workforce development programs that benefit workers,” said UFCW 1776 President Wendell Young IV.
Learn how people power defeated a Bucks County plutocrat – MAGA millionaire Paul Martino – and his Moms for Liberty-backed school board candidates.
All eyes across the Commonwealth will be on February’s special election for the 140th House District in Lower Bucks.

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