

To protect fair and impartial justice, Pennsylvania voters need to turn out in huge numbers.
The newly approved voting regions map affords electors expanded representation and the ability to vote for school board directors every two, versus four years.
The matter involving Kim Scarpiello and Dorothy Carr, along with the Bucks County Republican Party and others, will be referred to the local district attorney and the Pennsylvania attorney general for further investigation.
In light of Harrisburg’s inability to pass legislation that updates and improves statewide voter regulations, the PA Supreme Court and County Commissioner elections have more importance than ever.
If CB Forward candidates can't run an ethical campaign, how can voters trust them to lead the school district?
After voting for Rep. Jim Jordan twice, Fitzpatrick's vote for Rep. Mike Johnson solved the GOP’s problem of replacing former Speaker McCarthy with someone even more extremist.
Central Bucks is littered with anonymous offensive and defamatory signs targeting Democratic candidates running for school board.
Dedicated to public service, Solomon seeks to preserve the fundamental freedoms that veterans have fought to protect.
In a 393 word statement on his Speaker Vote, Fitzpatrick didn’t even have the courage to inform his constituents who he voted for, not mentioning Jordan’s name once, let alone explain why he voted for the MAGA Ohio congressman. 
“The threat is real and the stakes are high,” said Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania Advocates Executive Director Signe Espinoza.
“Pennsylvania has become an increasingly large focus point for extremists who have found that by targeting school boards they are able to impose a political agenda on to a lot of people,” said Education Voters PA Executive Director Suasan Spicka.
Voters have an opportunity to steer the community away from the ugly divisiveness introduced by Moms for Liberty, Paul Martino, and outside groups.
Just because a woman is on the ballot for Pennsylvania Supreme Court doesn’t mean she will protect women’s rights.
The CBSD Fair Votes map incorporates voter roll data, in addition to population, and provides voters with the ability to vote for a school board director every other year.
New Pennsylvania Project CEO Kadida Kenner said the new measure “will undoubtedly help to close the voter registration gap, especially in communities of color where the gap is the most pronounced.”

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