Will Pennsylvania Finally Ban ‘LGBTQ+ Panic’ Defense?
Prohibiting the use of someone’s existence as a legal excuse for engaging in violence against them shouldn’t be a controversial or partisan issue.
Prohibiting the use of someone’s existence as a legal excuse for engaging in violence against them shouldn’t be a controversial or partisan issue.
A review of Kim Johnson’s “The Color of a Lie.”
He sat down with the Bucks County Beacon to talk about his experience and his vision for representing and protecting all citizens of the Commonwealth.
Since announcing themselves to the world the day NAFTA took effect on Jan. 1, 1994, the EZLN has for decades informed struggles down and up the continent. Amid climate chaos and endless war, they continue to imagine and create better worlds.
This Pennridge dad explains why he refuses to remain silent and sit idly by as the district’s reactionary school board majority upends and undermines public education.
While white supremacy is central to the hard right, so is a desire to maintain a patriarchal society where people adhere to strictly defined gender roles and men act from a position of dominance.
The “sham investigation” commissioned by the right-wing school board majority was never about uncovering the truth, it was about creating a political prop for upcoming elections.
Teachers, students, and parents are opposed to Central Bucks School District Policy 321, which they believe is “born out of bigotry and discrimination” and targets LGBTQ students.
The group, which claims to be about “parent rights,” has ties to the January 6 insurrection and Christian Nationalists. They also have a chapter in Bucks County.
Now that ICE agents have the green light to conduct operations at or near schools, school playgrounds, and bus stops, it is critical for districts to understand the law and have procedures in place to protect their students.
The five-session interactive program empowers students to better understand the root causes of bullying, become more resilient by increasing their self esteem, and to be more empathetic, said The Peace Center’s Danny Thomas.
“In a strong and healthy democracy, voters choose our representatives, but today we see too many power hungry politicians draw gerrymandered maps to silence voters,” said Common Cause Pennsylvania’s Philip Hensley-Robin.
Nevertheless, CeaseFire PA and Bucks County state lawmakers Perry Warren and Brian Munroe are determined to secure more funding, advance more legislation, and strengthen public safety.
“Every dollar that CCA spends on DoorDash or luxury vehicles, or at brew pubs or vineyards or exclusive clubs, is a dollar that was paid by a Pennsylvania taxpayer,” notes Education Voters PA.