

The group's diverse roster has set goals to prioritize students, faculty and taxpayers, with an emphasis on educational excellence and fiscal responsibility.
The Commonwealth Court dismissed a case brought by the Republican National Committee, arguing that counties allowing voters to fix errors on their ballot had violated state law.
“The House Majority runs through Delaware County in May and Heather Boyd is the clear and resounding choice of local Democrats,” said Colleen Guiney, current Chair of the Delaware County Democratic Party.
Join Spotlight PA, Votebeat and a panel of election experts for a free discussion on unequal voting policies in the state and possible solutions.
Pennsylvania allows school board candidates to cross-file and appear on both the Democratic and Republican ballots. The Republican will still appear on her own party's ballot.
Critics argue the right-wing majority school board proposed map they tried to rush through for this year's election is gerrymandered to favor Republicans and would have disenfranchised thousands of voters.
“I think election deniers are looking for any opportunity to disrupt the democratic process. It is a real threat and something we should all be paying attention to,” said Informing Democracy's Elizabeth Grossman.
Having broken yet another glass ceiling, Speaker Joanna McClinton is handed the gavel and says she is “hopeful for the future of the Commonwealth and our communities.”
The court fight over the phone prevented the DOJ from reviewing 2,200 documents in its investigation of efforts to overturn the 2020 election.
Proponents of this voter suppression often employ dishonest and disingenuous racist dog whistles to make their case. Journalists shouldn’t uncritically print them.
In less than two years, Snyder has produced a record she believes she can win with.
Bucks County’s full bench recusal creates an unexpected delay until an “out-of-county” judge is appointed for the hearing.
As Washington protected Black voting rights, an emerging Republican majority capitalized on fears of an interracial democracy by associating minority rights with white oppression.
Any Republican candidate who wants to win needs the full support of Trump’s MAGA base of voters, a constituency who are out for blood, don’t believe in democracy, and crave an authoritarian government that will punish their enemies.
Panelists, which include Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick, former Congressman Jim Greenwood, Democratic strategist Danny Ceisler, and Ballot PA Chair David Thornburg, will discuss whether election reforms can empower “moderates.”

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