

Panelists, which include Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick, former Congressman Jim Greenwood, Democratic strategist Danny Ceisler, and Ballot PA Chair David Thornburg, will discuss whether election reforms can empower “moderates.”
Stone incorporated violent extremist groups into the “Stop the Steal” effort, which was itself a product of his warped political mind writes columnist Jennifer Cohn in the first of a three-part series.
Fun and politics go hand-in-hand for local Democrats gearing up for Pennsylvania’s 2023 municipal primary races.
The recount comes after months of petitions and pressure on county commissioners
At this rate, it will take 118 years until there is gender parity. However, Democrats compose 72% of the women in this Congress.
Lawmakers, lobbyists, and voting advocates preview their elections reform wishlists for the next session
Bucks County Beacon columnist Garen Meguerian talks with the Raging Chicken Media podcast about how this SCOTUS case could dismantle democracy.
The Bucks County Board of Elections said this is delaying the certification of votes locally.
A Democrat will represent the Bucks County district for the first time in over five decades.
An analysis of ballots at risk of rejection for lacking or having an incorrect date shows they are more likely to come from non-white communities, among other disparities.
Young voters overwhelmingly leaned left this past election, with 63 percent voting for Democratic candidates.
It’s hard to overstate how important state courts are to maintaining rights and freedoms.
A reflection on local efforts that helped restore public faith in the democratic process right here in the Keystone State.
“We as Jewish Democrats will do all we can to ensure that a twice-impeached insurrectionist never holds the office of President again,” said DJOP Chair Jill Zipin.
We may have dodged a bullet, but the GOP gun is still loaded with democracy, women’s rights, and public education perpetually on the firing line.

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